Security Overview

Security Overview

Manage Users

Aeros LIVE Security is controlled in two ways:

  1. System Security.  This is form-by-form, and in some instances, tab by tab control per user.  For each form or tab, the user may be set to one of six levels of security.  These levels are hierarchical, where the highest level of control grants access to all preceding levels.

  2. Affiliations.  Affiliations security allows the user to be granted access to each farm.  Farm-level access grants users, for each farm, the highest level of security set for each form in the System Security tab.

Aeros LIVE Security can be managed in two ways:

  1. Manage Roles.  A role can be assigned to any user.  All settings from the Role populate to the user level.

    1. Administrator Roles.  Any role with the “Administrator” checkbox will, by default, grant full System Security access, but will not grant Affiliation access.

    2. Non-Administrator Roles.  Any role not marked “Administrator” will, by default, deny access to all forms.

    3. Manage Users.  Every level of security can be overridden from the role by adjusting the User level setting.

Access Levels

The access levels are hierarchical and are set to 6 different levels.  With the exception of denied, if a user is granted any level of access, that user may also perform any of the preceding functions available.  Levels are as follows:

  1. Denied.  User cannot see or access the form at all.

  2. View.  The user may view the form, but may not make any changes or print.

  3. Print.  The user may click the print button to print out the built-in proof report available on every form.

  4. Update.  The user may make changes to existing data.

  5. Add.  The user may add new records to the form.

  6. Full.  The user may delete existing, add new, update, print, and view all data on the form.



User A is granted:

  1. System Security.  Full access to the Mortality form


  1. Affiliations.


  1. Denied access to Farm 1

  2. View access to Farm 2

  3. Print access to Farm 3

  4. Update access to Farm 4

  5. Add access to Farm 5

  6. Full access to Farm 6

Upon login, User A will have the following access:

  • User will not see the Mortality tab for any flocks in Farm 1

  • Click the Mortality tab for flocks in Farm 2, but will be unable to print or edit the form

  • Print and view the mortality records for any flocks in Farm 3

  • Update, print, and view the existing mortality records for any flocks in Farm 4

  • Add, update, print, and view mortality records for any flocks in Farm 5

  • Delete, add, update, print, and view mortality records for any flocks in Farm 6

The following page lists every available form or tab level security item in the software.  Items may have changed, and should be reviewed through the software for the current list. 



Manage Roles

To simplify the process of managing users, Aeros LIVE has the ability to create roles.  A role is set up the same as a user, and when a user is assigned a role (limited to one role per user), settings populate as per the role settings.  Any level of security may be overridden to grant each user customized settings.

Affiliation settings will control access for each farm, and can be controlled in bulk by right clicking on a Company or Division. Clients may choose to set up a role based on form access and customize affiliations per user.

The following roles are examples only of some standard Roles commonly used in Aeros LIVE.




Full access to all Farms and all Forms

Facility Management:  Full

Feed Management:  Full

Live Inventory:  Full

Reporting:  Full

System:  Full

User:  ASAdmin.  This is the Cultura support login, required for customer support
Corporate employees suited to support the application should also be assigned to this role.



This access is suited for Executives and Management teams who should have visibility to all locations but do not need to work directly with the data


Facility Management:  Print access, possibly full access to Division

Feed Management:  Denied

Live Inventory:  Print access

Reporting:  Print access

System:  Denied Access.  Possible exceptions would be Print access on Contracts, Archived Inventory, Accounting Close Dates, Producers, Components, Equipment, and Week-Ending Calendars.



Corporate Feed Management

To control feed formulas and pricing, this role may be split into two roles – one for the nutritionist and one for the person responsible for formula and pricing updates.

Facility Management:  Denied access

Feed Management: 

  • Full Access to Feed Formula Re-pricing, Feed Formulas, Feed Mills, and Feed Profiles, and Feed Scheduling Configuration. 

  • View access to Feed Components, Delivery Batch Imports, Feed Scheduling. 

  • Note:  Feed Scheduling Configuration is a global only setting.  Users with access to this configuration can change any configuration, regardless of affiliations.  Feed Scheduling itself is limited to farms the user is affiliated with.  Client may need to possibly grant view access to Production Managers, but should not allow full access.

Live Inventory:  Denied access

Reporting:  Denied access

System:  Denied Access.  Possible exceptions would be Full Access to Plants and Mills and System Tables. 


Items in blue denote which items are important for Feed Pricing Management, and the rest are important for the person responsible for feed profile configurations, a requirement for feed scheduling.



General and Accounting Managers

Some General Managers will be assigned Executive Role, but for those who are more hands-on with the data, they should have the same access as an Accounting Manager.

Facility Management:  Full Access

Feed Management:  Denied.  Exception might be Print access for Batch Imports, Formula Re-pricing, Formulas, Mills, Profiles, and Scheduling Configuration.  Also perhaps full access to Feed Scheduling.

Live Inventory:  Full access

Reporting:  Add access

System:  Denied Access.  Possible exceptions would be

  • Print access on Components, Equipment, Week-Ending Calendars, Capitalization Codes, Depreciation Configuration, Expense Codes, System Tables, and possibly users.

  • Full Access to Contracts, Archived Inventory, Accounting Close Dates



Production Managers

Facility Management:  Print access, possibly full access to house and farm

Feed Management:  Denied all, except full access to Feed Scheduling

Live Inventory:  Full access to all except for Expenses.  Probably should only have access to one of the Egg forms:  Inventory, Production, or Shipment.

Reporting:  Print access

System:  Denied Access.  Possible exceptions would be Print access on Contracts, Archived Inventory, Producers, Components, Equipment.



live Inventory Recordkeeping Clerk

Facility Management:  Denied Access

Feed Management:  Denied

Live Inventory:  Full or Add Only Access to whichever areas of recordkeeping the user is associated with.  Batch entry should be customized for each of these users by their manager.  Add only access is suggested for areas like expenses or feed deliveries, but depends on the clerk and the needs.

Reporting:  Denied

System:  Denied


These roles should cover the basic roles for Aeros LIVE.  Other considerations for roles could be:

  • Report Writer

  • User Manger (if there is a person responsible only for user management)

  • Expense Code Management

  • Controller.  For specific controls like depreciation configuration or week-ending calendars without granting full access to flock recordkeeping



Commercial Egg Layer Flock Life Cycle in Aeros LIVE

The following is a very basic chart showing the basic flock life cycle for Commercial Egg Layers in AeLive.


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