System Tables

In the System Tables section, you can set up any table you need for a category.  Tables are set up with information for each day in the life of an animal group, and are broken into categories as displayed below.


  • Code. Create a code that corresponds to the Table. This code must be unique.

  • Description. A description of the Table the user wishes to input.

  • Status. Whether the Table is currently Active or Inactive. This field will default to the system default of Active.

  • Cycle.  Sets up what cycle this Table is used for.

  • Ages.  Sets up whether the table’s information is per day or per week in the life of animal group.

  • Relations. Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Table is associated with.


These tables are used in Feed Scheduling, Performance Charts, and Reporting.  They set a standard for groups to be compared to.  Different groups can be assigned to different System Tables, allowing flexibility in how you gauge animal performance.

In the example below are the various Mortality Tables set up for a sample company.  There is a different table for each bird type, some even broken down by sex.  For each day in the life of a group, the expected mortality rate is logged.

When this table is applied to an animal group, as feed is scheduled, the software will reference this table to determine the expected population size in the house, and determine how much feed should be delivered.  Animal Consumption tables are also used for feed scheduling, helping the software determine how much feed each animal is expected to consume on a daily basis.

Mortality tables should be entered by the variance in daily mortality percent.

See Assigning System Tables to Contracts and Live Inventory Set Up (Adding Flocks), Standards/Goals Tabs to learn how to apply these standard tables to Flocks and Contracts.

Importing System Tables through Data Imports

Breeder Guides - Standards

System Table Types

Percent Mortality

Percent Livability
Pounds per 100 per Day
Accumulated Pounds Per Head
Pounds per head by period
Calorie Consumption
Density per Square Foot
Density per Square Meter
Body Weight in Pounds
Body Weight in Grams

Percent Hen Day Production
Percent Cull Eggs Production
Case Weight (Lbs)
Case Weight (Kgs)
Body Weight in Kilograms
Egg Type Schedule
Depreciation Percentage
Calorie Consumption in Kilograms
Kilograms per 100 per Day
Water Consumed, gallons per 100 per day

Inside Average (F)
Inside High (F)
Inside Low (F)
Outside Average (F)
Outside High (F)
Outside Low (F)
Inside Average (C)
Inside High (C)
Inside Low (C)
Outside Average (C)
Outside High (C)
Outside Low (C)


Eggs per Hen Housed Standard