Eggs per Hen Housed Standard

There is no standard table for Eggs/Hens Housed. This calculation uses the Hen Day Production and Percent Mortality tables to calculate the results.

Regardless of the number of birds placed, this calculation sets the initial head to 100 birds and applies mortalities to that, making this a Per-100 head calculation.

  • Get the first placement date.

  • Calculate the average hatch date.

  • Calculate the Stop Date (Projected depopulation, actual depopulation, etc.).

  • Get Pct. Hen Day Production Table, using the average hatch date.

  • Get Pct. Mortality Table, using the average hatch date.

  • Set initial head = 100.

  • Set starting head = initial head.

  • For each date between hatch and stop.


    • Get standard mortality percent for the day.

    • Get standard hen day production for the day.

    • Daily mortality = starting head * standard mortality.

    • Ending head = starting head - daily mortality.

    • hen days = (starting head +ending head)/2.

    • eggs produced = hen days * standard hen day production

    • eggs per hen housed = eggs produced / initial head

    • starting head = ending head.

The Life-To-Date value is the sum total of all of these daily calculations up to the period end date.

For each day, we will also look for a new placement date. If one is found, and we can calculate a new average hatch date, we will recalculate the percent mortality and hen day production tables, and use those tables for all subsequent dates. This prevents later placements or relocation's to this flock from causing historic values to be recalculated.