Settlement Set Up

Settlement Set Up

General Information Setup: (One Time Setup unless Changes)


Producers need to be created so that they can be assigned to farms for payments.  If more than one producer owns a farm, a producer group will need to be setup.  Producers must be created before creating a producer group.

  1. Create Producers.   System – Producer Management – Producers

  2. Create Producer Groups.  System – Producer Management – Producer Groups


Producer flocks to be included when calculating settlement averages (primes).

System – Producer Management – Producers – Details (Tab 1)

If this producer’s flocks are to be included when calculating settlement averages (primes) then check the box for “Include Flocks for this Producer When Calculating Settlement Averages”.  The default will be a check for the box. 

Example: A producer flocks may not be used when calculating settlement averages if the producer is an employee of the company.

Assign Producer/Producer Group to Farm

Facility Management – Co – Division – Farm – Producers (Tab 3)

Select whether a producer or a producer group will be paid when payments are processed. A producer group should be used if more than one producer should receive payment for a farm.

  1. If Producer – select producer which will receive 100% payment for this farm

  2. If Producer Group – select producer group which will receive payment for this farm.  The % of payment needs to be assigned to each producer.  The % determines how much of the payment goes to each producer.


Apply Feed Mill Surcharge to a Farm

Facility Management – Co – Division – Farm – Settings (Tab 2) – Under Feed Delivery and Scheduling Settings section.

If this farm is to receive a feed haul surcharge then check the box by “apply feed haul surcharge to this farm?”.   Determination of whether a farm receives a feed haul surcharge is based on the contract applied to the farm.


Feed Mill Surcharge Configuration

Feed Management – Feed Mills – Surcharges (Tab 6)

Enter/Select the date the surcharges being entered become effective.  Information needed for surcharge calculations are # of miles, type of miles (round trip or one way), $amount/unit and units (e.g. tons).

Settlement Configurations 

System – Settlements – Settlement Configuration

Setup a “settlement configuration” for each type of settlement. Type of settlement would be based on the contract for the industry type, sex and animal types.

Main settlement configuration form.

Settlement Code, Settlement Configuration Description, Industry Type, Expense Code to be used for Payments, From/To movement dates (used to determine what flocks should be settled when processing settlements), animal types (if necessary), farm types (if necessary) and object relations (company, divisions, farms – all selected unless otherwise changed).

A flock’s “Settlement Eligibility Date”, which is created when a Sales/Live Haul or Transfer Out is finalized, will be compared to the “From/To Movement Dates” to determine if it is ready for settlement.

The filters and relations (animal types, farm types and object relations) will be used when assigning a settlement configuration to a flock.  Only the settlement configurations meeting the filters and relations of the flock will be available for selection.

Pay categories form.

The date on which the pay category information entered becomes effective.  There can be multiple effective dates for a settlement configuration.  If the “operator and value” columns are entered for any pay category, base the comparison (function value) on the “actual amount” or “average calculation information” must be selected.

Basic detail pay information always necessary: pay category, description associated with pay category, $amount/unit (for pay calculation) and pay units.  Pay units available are net weight, birds, bird age and square feet.  The pay category $amount will be calculated by taking the $amount/unit times the pay unit value. 

Additional detail pay information to be used for payment calculation: Operator, value, expense code, limit, age moved >= and age moved <=.

The “age moved” information will be used to determine if this pay category should be calculated for payment.  If the flocks age at time of settlement does not fall in the “age moved” range then this pay category $amount will be zero.

The “limit” value is used in conjunction with the “age moved”.   If the flocks age at movement falls within the age range then the “limit” and “compare value” are used.  The limit value will be compared to the “bonus payment type” value.  Bonus payment types are body weight, livability, uniformity and feed conversion. When doing the comparison; if the value being compared to is below/above the limit, which is based on the operator, then the pay amount will be zero and NO other bonuses will be paid; otherwise calculate bonus payment.  If a bonus was calculated before a “limit” was found then the previously calculated bonus will be changed to zero.


If an expense code is entered and average calculation was selected, the total “cost” for the expense code will be calculated for the flock and for the company average flocks.  The company average cost per the “denominator to use” field for the averages minus the flock cost per the “denominator to use” will be compared to the “function value”.  If the comparison of the “cost/unit difference” to the “function value” meets the “operator” requirement then the pay will be calculated for this category; otherwise this pay category $amount will be zero.


Total Company Average Cost/Denominator Value = .2565, Flock Average Cost/Denominator Value=.2497, Difference=.0068, Operator value is >.

If Function Value=.0040, then the pay category will be calculated.  If Function Value=.0080, then the pay category will NOT be calculated.

NOTE: If more than one expense code is needed to calculate the average then the expense codes on the “Standards” form of the settlement configuration which are coded as “average cost = yes” will also be used.

The pay categories will identify payment types.  These payment types determine how the pay category calculation is handled.  Payment types available are base, flat, minimum, maximum and 6 types of bonuses.

Payment Types calculations:

  • Base, Flat, Minimum and Maximum.   $amount/unit * unit value

  • Bonus (Body Weight).

o   For the flock compare the “average weight” to the “limit”, if it is below the limit then the payment amount will be zero; otherwise continue with calculation.  If no limit continue with calculation

o   Compare average weights.

§  If “value” field, compare flock’s average weight to the “value” field.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and “average calculation information” was selected; compare the flock’s average weight to the average flock’s average weight.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and no “average calculation information”; continue with calculation.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value   

  • Bonus (Livability)

o   For the flock compare the “livability%” to the “limit”, if it is below the limit then the pay amount will be zero; otherwise continue with calculation.  If no limit continue with calculation

o   Compare livability%.

§  If “value” field, compare flock’s livability% to the “value” field.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and “average calculation information” was selected; compare the flock’s livability% to the average flock’s livability%. If the comparison meets the “operator” field: calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and no “average calculation information” continue with calculation.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value   

  • Bonus (Uniformity)

o   For the flock compare the “uniformity%” to the “limit”, if it is below the limit then the pay amount will be zero; otherwise continue with calculation.  If no limit continue with calculation

o   Compare uniformity%.

§  If “value” field, compare flock’s uniformity% to the “value” field.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and “average calculation information” was selected; compare the flock’s uniformity% to the average flock’s uniformity%. If the comparison meets the “operator” field: calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and no “average calculation information” continue with calculation.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value   

  • Bonus (Feed Conversion)

{C}o   For the flock compare the “feed conversion” to the “limit”, if it is below the limit then the pay amount will be zero; otherwise continue with calculation.  If no limit continue with calculation

o   Compare feed conversion.

§  If “value” field, compare flock’s feed conversion to the “value” field.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and “average calculation information” was selected; compare the flock’s feed conversion to the average flock’s feed conversion. If the comparison meets the “operator” field: calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and no “average calculation information” continue with calculation.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value   

  • Bonus (From Expense Code)

o   For the flock compare “total expense cost/unit” (previously defined) to the “limit”, if it is below the limit then the pay amount will be zero; otherwise continue with calculation.  If no limit continue with calculation

o   Compare expense cost.

§  If “value” field, compare flock’s total expense cost/unit to the “value” field.  If the comparison meets the “operator” field; calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and “average calculation information” was selected; compare the flock’s total expense cost/unit to the average flock’s total expense cost/unit. If the comparison meets the “operator” field: calculate payment amount.

§  If no “value” field and no “average calculation information” continue with calculation.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value   

  • Bonus (Farm Type)

o   Only calculate if the farm type is “TV”; tunnel ventilated.

o   Payment amount = $amount/unit * unit value

Averages form.

If the settlement uses averages (primes) for payment calculations, use this form to enter the information necessary to determine which flocks previously and/or currently settled will be used for average calculations.

The “number used for averages” and “average basis” (weeks or flocks) are used to select the flocks to be included in the averages.  Example: If number used for averages=3 and average basis=weeks; will select all flocks settled in the last 3 weeks with the same settlement configuration for average calculations.  If number used for averages=12 and average basis=flocks; will select the last 12 flocks settled with the same settlement configuration. 

Sex is used to determine if a flock should or should not be included in the averages. Example: If sex=male and a flock sex=female, the female flock will NOT be included in the averages.

The “average denominator to be used” will determine what unit value to use when calculating the average expense cost/unit. The valid options will be "head moved", "gross weight moved" or "net weight".  When calculating the group expense cost/unit to compare to the average expense cost/unit the group value for the unit will be used.

Include Groups being settled in averages determines whether the current flocks being settled should be included in the average calculations.

If a payment type is selected to be excluded from average calculations then when a flock has received any of these payment types they are excluded from the flocks for averaging.  Example: Minimum Pay is to be excluded. If a flock was paid minimum pay then this flock will be removed from the average calculation.

Standards form.

This form is used to determine if an expense code has a standard $amount/unit when calculating settlements or if the actual $amount entered for an expense code should be used. 

The expense codes used in settlements should be entered.  These would be expense codes for payment, average or company cost determination. 

If a standard $amount and units are entered then this will be used to calculate the cost for that expense code when processing settlements.  If no standard $amount and units are entered then the actual cost will be used.

The units available for selection are birds, lbs., tons and expense log.  Birds are the head placed. Pounds are the net pounds. Tons are the feed consumed tons.  Expense log is the total component units for the expense code.

At least one of the costs must be selected; payment, company and/or average.  The payment cost is used to determine if the expense code should be posted when a settlement commitment is done; this will take the “standard” $amount times the units and post the $amount to the groups expense.  The company cost will be included in the calculation of “actual” company cost; this will be used for reporting purposes.  The average cost will be included in calculations of averages.

Example of Standards:

Payment Cost:  Administration expense code with a standard $amount=.0020, standard units=pounds, and net weight=310,000.  When committing a settlement, the net weight * .0020 will be posted to the groups expenses.  Posted $Amount of $620.00 = 310,000 * .0020

Company Cost:  Poult expense code with a standard $amount=.1400, standard units=birds and head placed=22,000. Water Medication expense code with NO standard $amount and actual expense cost of $478.18. The $amounts reported for each of the above would be Poult expense= $3,080 and Water Medication expense=$478.18 If expense codes with a standard $amount already have an expense code posted for them then use the actual $amount when reporting instead of standard; if poult expense of $4,500 already existed then Poult expense reported would be $4,500. 

Average Cost:  Poult expense code with a standard $amount=.1400, standard units=birds and head placed=22,000.  Water Medication expense code with NO standard $amount and actual expense cost of $478.18.  The cost for each expense will be added together and compared to the cost for the flocks used for averages.   The groups average cost of $3,558.18 will be used to calculate the group cost/unit.  This will be average flocks cost/unit.

Adjustments form.

This form is used to process any adjustments that need to be applied to a flock.  These codes will be AeLive supplied because specific calculations need to be used.

Information available for entry: adjustment code, adjustment description, based on (average weight, standard cost), Amount/unit, units and percentage.

AeLive supplied adjustment codes:  Feed Conversion (used to calculate an Adjusted Feed Conversion) and Base Adjustment (used to calculate adjustments against the base pay).

Feed Conversion Calculation: (Adjustment Code=FeedConv)

(Difference between the “average weight” and the “group weight” times Adjustment amount) + Group Feed Conversion = Adjusted Feed Conversion.  If NO “feedconv” adjustment rule exists then the Group Feed Conversion=Adjusted Feed Conversion.

Base Adjustment Calculation:  (Adjustment Code=BaseAdj)

  1.                                                               i.      Total the “cost per unit difference” for all the expense codes used for averaging. Expense codes used for averaging are under the “standards” for the settlement configuration.

  2.                                                              ii.      Total Cost per unit difference times adjustment percentage=Base Pay Adjustment.

  3.                                                             iii.      Base Pay Adjustment time Units (use the same units as the first pay category type of “base”)=Base Pay Adjustment $Amount

  4.                                                            iv.      Add the Base Pay Adjustment $Amount to the Gross Pay

Settlement Net Weight Configuration form.

The information entered on this form will determine what is included in the “net weight” calculation.  The “net weight” is one of the units available on the pay category form.

There are 4 values that can be used to determine the net weight.

  1. Starting Pounds Moved.  This will be either the “total” net lbs. or plant net lbs. based on the configuration.  Note: If transfer out information is being used then “total” net lbs. is the only available value.

  2. Condemned Part Pounds.  Take the “total” condemned parts lbs. (summary of all condemnation certificate records for the flock) times the % entered.

  3. Carcass Pounds.  Take the “total” carcass pounds (summary of all condemnation certificate records for the flock) times the % entered.

  4. Condemned Pounds.  For each condemnation code with a % entered into the configuration, take the total head for that condemnation code and multiple by the % to get the condemned head for the certificate.  For each certificate; take the ((Ante-Mortem Weight/Ante-Mortem DOA) * condemned head) to get condemned pounds for the certificate.  Summarize the condemned pounds for all the certificates.


Condemnation Certificates for a Group:

Certificate# = 123, Code=Bruises & Head Condemned=8, Code=Cadaver & Head Condemned=0, Code=Leukosis & Head Condemned=1, Code=Sept/Tox & Head Condemned=3, Code=Tumors & Head Condemned=1

Total Condemn Head for Condemnation Codes = 8
Total Head Condemned Ante Mortem = 20
Total Weight Ante Mortem = 874
Condemned Pounds 349.6 = (874/20) * 8

Certificate# = 456, Code=Bruises & Head Condemned=0, Code=Cadaver & Head Condemned=1, Code=Leukosis & Head Condemned=0, Code=Sept/Tox & Head Condemned=9, Code=Tumors & Head Condemned=6

Total Condemn Head for Condemnation Codes = 15
Total Head Condemned Ante Mortem = 20
Total Weight Ante Mortem = 854
Condemned Pounds 640.5 = (854/20) * 15

Certificate# = 789, Code=Bruises & Head Condemned=18, Code=Cadaver & Head Condemned=1, Code=Leukosis & Head Condemned=0, Code=Sept/Tox & Head Condemned=7, Code=Tumors & Head Condemned=2

Total Condemn Head for Condemnation Codes = 18
Total Head Condemned Ante Mortem = 22
Total Weight Ante Mortem = 935
Condemned Pounds 765.0 = (935/22) * 18

Total Condemned Pounds for Flock 1,755.1 = 349.6 + 640.5 + 765.0

Settlement Net Weight Configuration (Define Condemned Weight):

Bruises=50%, Cadaver=0%, Leukosis=0%, Sept/Tox=100%, Tumors=100%

Settlement Net Weight = Starting Pounds Moved – (Condemned Pounds + Condemned Parts Pounds + Carcass Pounds)

Reports form.

Determines what reports can be processed when either a preliminary or a final (commit) is run.  A report can be processed for both a preliminary and a final run.  The list of reports available will be based on reports created under “Power User Reports”.  After a report is selected from the drop down window, the dataset used for the report will be displayed under the “type” column.

Apply “Settlement Configuration“ code to a Contract.

System – Contract – Defaults (Tab 2)

Enter the settlement configuration which is associated with this contract.  This will allow for a settlement configuration to automatically be assigned to a flock when applying a contract.

Apply “Settlement Configuration” code to a Flock.

Live Inventory – Flock (add or edit) – Pay Config. (Tab 6 or 8)

On details tab click the “load contract defaults” button.  This will assign the settlement configuration entered on the contract to the flock.

To view or change the settlement configuration for the flock click the “Pay Config” tab (#6 or #8 depending on industry type) and select the settlement configuration which is to be used for this flock.

Division (Add/Edit)

Apply what the movement date should be based on (first movement date or last movement date) when determining the “settlement eligibility date”.

Facility Management – Company – Division

Default Setting (Tab 4) – select whether the “settlement eligibility date” will be based on the first movement date or the last movement.  The “settlement eligibility date” will be assigned to the sales/transfer records when they are finalized.  The “settlement eligibility date” will be used to compare to the from/to movement dates on the settlement configuration when processing settlements; if the settlement eligibility date falls before or between the movement dates it will be processed.

Deduction Code Master

System – Producer Management – Deduction Codes

Enter the deduction codes which can be deducted from a flock settlement or a payment for a producer. 

Information needed for this form will be the deduction code, deduction description, deduction type (loans, company reimbursements, garnishments/attachments, donations, etc.), default expense code (the expense code that will be hit when this deduction is taken) and default priority (used for the order of deductions, 1 being first)


BaitSt – Bait Stations – Company Reimbursement, FarmCr – Farm Credit – Loans, PoultFed – Poultry Federation - Donation

Apply Deductions to a Producer

System – Producer Management – Deductions

Select the producer for which deductions are to be added/changed.

After selecting the producer any deductions previously entered for this producer will be displayed. These deductions can be changed and/or new deductions can be added.

Deduction Information:

  • Deduction Code – selection – Required

  • Deduction Description – description for the selected deduction code (display ONLY)

  • Starting Date – enter date on which deduction code was issued/received. Any settlements or payments after this date will check to see if this deduction can be taken (will default to the current date) – Required

  • Vendor To Be Paid - select from list of available vendors – Required

  • Priority – will default to the value on the deduction code master record. This is used to determine the order of applying deductions, starting with 1. – Required

  • Starting $Amount – the total amount of the deduction – Required

  • Fixed Payment – if a fixed amount is to be taken each time a settlement or payment is processed, enter the specific amount – Required (fixed payment OR payment %)

  • Payment% - if a % of the pay is to be taken each time a settlement or payment is processed, enter the % - Required (fixed payment OR payment %)

  • Status – open, paid, closed, held. – Required

    • When entering a new deduction it will default to “open”. If you do not want a deduction to be taken for a settlement or payment then change the status to “held” until after the settlement or payment has processed.  If the deduction needs to be stopped before the balance is zero then change the status to “closed”.  When the balance is zero the status will automatically change to paid.

    • Expense Code – this is the expense code that will be posted to when a deduction is taken on a settlement or payment. – Required

    • LTD – the total $amount taken through the last settlement or payment (display ONLY)

    • Balance - $amount left to be taken (display ONLY)

For a highlighted deduction the following will be displayed in a grid below the deductions.  There will be a tab for comments, balance information and excluded farms.

  • Comments.  Display, add or change any comments needed for the selected deduction.

  • Balance Information

    • Deducted From – description of what has happened to the deduction.                            

Example: Starting Balance

  • Flock Code –flock which deduction was taken against

  • Date – date deduction was taken

  • Add – amount added to deduction (starting balance)

  • Subtract – amount taken at settlement or payment

  • Comments

  • Identity – unique identification number for deduction taken

  • Adjustment of – the identity number of the deduction code adjusted

  • Adjustment Amount – the amount of the deduction adjusted

  • Excluded Farms.  Deductions will not be taken from payments or settlements calculated for these farms.  Only the farms for the producer will be listed.

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