Egg Configuration
Part of the system set up for egg producing animals; Egg Configuration contains the various egg units of measure. Each egg unit of measure configured has the count of single eggs it contains and it’s common sub-division (another egg unit of measure). These settings allow an egg unit of measure to be converted to any other egg unit of measure.
(Layer Farms)
Code: Corresponding Egg Unit Code. This code must be unique.
Description:Â Description of the Egg Unit Code.
Egg Unit Type:  Defined by the user in the System Settings form, the last item in the System Navigation Panel.
Single Eggs:Â How many single eggs are used within this Egg Unit.
Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Egg Units are associated with.
Sub-Division Code:Â Allows for the selection of a user-defined sub unit. For example, a common sub unit for a 360 egg case is a dozen or a flat.
# of Sub-Divisions:Â This is the number of sub divisions for the sub division code established above. In the 360 egg case example, the # of sub divisions for dozen would be thirty one-dozen cartons and the # of sub division for flat would be twelve thirty-egg flats.