Setup ODBC Connection to CMC

Setup ODBC Connection to CMC

When implementing a new client that is migrating from CMC, the CMC Extract and Classic Migrate application need ODBC access to the CMC system. The steps below document the setup process.


  1. Access to the FTP Site or access to network drive to get the files.

    1. The files for CMC are also located on our network \\cul-cen-fs01\Protein\Repository\CMC Extract (this location can vary if the files\folder were moved for any reason)

Extract these zip files to destination server folder where CMC extract will be setup. Extract "Tonys Awesome App" and rename it to "Classic Extract" (renaming is optional).

Open dbc_files_fs308128 folder. You will see files with .dbd and .cfg extension.

Edit the dbcfs.cfg file and make sure the values match the location of CMC\dbc\bin folder on the machine you will be setting up odbc and CMC extract\CMC Classic Migration.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the Server where you wish to install the CMC Extract & Classic Migrate applications.

  2. Download the setupodb.exe file from the FTP Site under the CMC Migration folder.
    Note: There is a 32-bit and 64-bit version depending on the server type you are installing onto.

  3. Run the setupodb.exe application, using all the default options.

  4. When complete, access the Control Panel \ Administrative Tools folder on the server. 

  5. Depending on the driver that was installed (32-bit or 64-bit), open the appropriate ODBC Data Sources option.

  6. Access the System DSN tab and click Add.

  7. Select the DB/C FS4 ODBC Driver and click Finish.

  8. Specify the appropriate values then click OK.

    1. For CMC's GL System the settings need to be:

      1. Data Source Name: CMC-GLXX 
        (XX is representing every single company that will be process from CMC. For ex.: CMC-GL01, CMC-GL02, etc...)

      2. Database Name: erpglv3

      3. Server Name: (IP Address of Clients Server)

      4. Encryption: Disabled 

    2. For CMC's AP System the settings need to be:

      1. Data Source Name: CMC-AP

      2. Database Name: erpapv3

      3. Server Name: (IP Address of Clients Server)

      4. Encryption: Disabled

  9. The System DSN list should now be updated:

  10. Repeat Step #6-9 as necessary for any additional connections needed.

  11. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen.

  12. Close the Control Panel window.

  13. You are now ready to configure the CMC Extract and/or Classic Migration applications. 

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