Producer Payments

Producer Payments



This article documents the usage and steps to complete a Producer Payment.



System –> Producer Management

Create Producers

Producers need to be created so that they can be assigned to farms for payments. 

System --> Producer Management --> Producers




Producer Groups

If more than one producer owns a farm a producer group will need to be setup.  Producers must be created before creating a producer group.

System --> Producer Management --> Producer Groups





Assign Producer/Producer Group to a Farm

Select Whether a producer or a producer group will be paid when payments are processed.  By default, Company Owned will be selected.

Facility Management --> Company --> Division --> Farm → Producers (Tab 3)


a)      If Producer:  Select Producer which will receive payment for this farm



b)      If Producer Group:  Select Producer Group which will receive payment for this farm.  The % of payment needs to be assigned to each producer.  The % determines how much of the payment goes to each producer.



Setup Payment Configurations

 Navigate to System --> Payments --> Payment Configurations


Configuration Details

Configuration Code. Enter a Payment Configuration Code.  Must be unique.

Description.  Enter a Payment Configuration Description.

Effective Date. Enter the date for which the payment $ amounts become effective.

Adjusting Entries

Expense codes will be used when creating expense records for shipment adjustments entered.  These adjustment can be for the same expense code as the original amount or they can hit a different expense code.


Egg Type Payments

Table used for payments based on an egg transaction type.  Currently, egg shipments are the only transaction type which can be entered on table.

Age/Week Payments

Table used for pre-lay payments which are based on flock age.




Assign Payment Configuration to Contracts

 Navigate to System --> Contract --> Defaults


Enter the payment configuration which is associated with this contract.  This will allow for a payment configuration to automatically be assigned to a flock when applying a contract.


Assign Payment Configuration to Flocks

 Navigate to Live Inventory --> Add or Edit Flock


On the details tab click the “Load contract defaults” button.  This will assign the payment configuration entered on the contract to the flock.


To add, view or change the payment configuration for a flock click the “Pay Config” tab (#8) and select the payment configuration which is to be used for this flock.


Process Payments

 Navigate to System --> Payments --> Create a Payment Batch


Age and Egg Payments will be processed together.


  1. Select the calendar to be used for the week ending date selections.  Select the week ending start and end dates for which payments should be processed.

  2. Select Industry Type(s) to be processed.

  3. Click Run

  4. The Payment batch details calculated will be displayed.



Payment Tab  

Will display the details for the producers receiving a payment.

  1. If a detail payment record has been saved in a previous batch and has not yet been committed for payments then the payment type will show “existing” and the batch ID/Code will be displayed at the end of the record for reference.

Detail information shown for a Payment:

  1. For both an Age and Egg Detail:   Company Dode, Division Code, Producer Code, Producer Group, Farm Code/Name, Group Code/Name, Producer Allocation %, Payment Configuration Code/Effective Date, $ Amount per Unit, Total Detail Payment, Week Ending Date and Expense Code.

  2. For Age Detail:  Flock Age at the End of the Week or End of Age Range, Head being Paid, # Days in the Period, # Days in Pre-lay and % of Days being Paid (#days in pre-lay/ #days in period)

  3. For Egg Detail:  Transaction date, Egg Transaction Type, Egg Type, # of Single Eggs, Egg Pay Units and # of Eggs being Paid for.


Message Tab

Will display warning/error messages for why a flock will not be receiving a payment.

Message Information being shown:

Severity of the message (warning/error), Domain (what caused the message), Actual Message, Group Code/Name, Farm Code/Name, Company Code, Division Code, and Producer Code and/or Group Code (if available).


Committing Payments

When the user is ready to commit payments, select the accepted checkbox for each payment you want to make.  Un-check the ones that you do not want to include at this time.  When ready to pay the batch select the Commit button.



Once committed, the accepted records that were sent to be paid, will be greyed out and cannot be edited.


View Existing Batches

 System --> Payments --> View Existing Batches


Once a batch is saved you can pull up the batch you created by filtering criteria that you would like to return batches for and click the “Execute” button.




When you find the batch you want to view, select it and select Load.  The selected Payment batch details will then be displayed.



Note on Egg Shipments: 

If you change an Egg Shipment which has NOT been committed, run a new batch for the same date range and the new amount will be shown; the information on the old batch will be deleted.


If you change an Egg Shipment which has been committed, run a new batch for the same date range then this ticket does not show at all.  Since it has been previously committed it ignores the record.  The difference would need to be entered under the new adjustment entry for any payment positive or negative to be recognized.



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