Change G/L Control Account after Setup

Change G/L Control Account after Setup

After setup, G/L Control Accounts cannot be changed through the Aeros ERP interface. Any changes must be made directly through a SQL command.


Note: DO NOT run this command against a LIVE database without reviewing the change, the reason for change, and its effect on the rest of the system with the Professional Services Manager and/or Customer Support Department Manager.


First, locate the G/L Account Sequence # of the G/L Account # you wish to change it TO. Take note of the GLAcSeqNo column which is used in the next query. If no records are found, you will want to check the G/L Account # and ensure that the G/L Account is setup as a Control Account.

Replace AA-AA-AAA-AAAA-AAAA with the G/L Account # you wish to change it TO.

SELECT glacseqno, glacct FROM GLAcct WHERE glacct = 'AA-AA-AAA-AAAA-AAAA' AND glctlacct_flag = 1


Second, locate the specific G/L Control Account record that you wish to modify. Pay special attention to the Company, Division, and Transaction Description rows to find the appropriate record. Take note of the GLSGLAcctCtlID column which is used in the next query.

Replace BB with the Company Code; Replace CC with the Division Code.

SELECT GLSGLAcctCtlID, * FROM [dbo].[GLSGLAcctCtl] WHERE glctcocd = 'BB' AND glctdivcd = 'CC'


Finally, update the G/L Control Account row with the G/L Account Sequence # obtained in the first step (DD), and the GLSGLAcctCtlID (EE) found in the second step.

UPDATE [GLSGLAcctCtl] SET glctglacseqno = DD WHERE GLSGLAcctCtlID = EE