


To keep track of your animal records, use the Record-keeping form.  In here, all the basic animal numbers you need to track can be found.  This data is used throughout the software for various statistical and report analysis, as well as in feed scheduling.

The form is easy to use, and validates information as it is entered.  Once the work is complete, select to save or undo changes.  This form is great for working with one group at a time, and seeing all of the historical data related to the animal group.


Animal Stats


  • Placement House. Select the placement house you are entering data for.  This is a required field.

  • Date.  Select the date you are entering data for.  This is a required field.

  • Age.  The age is populated from the flocks hatch date and will populate for every record once the date has been entered.

  • Sex.  Select the sex of the group you are entering data for.  This is a required field.

  • Average Weight.  Enter the average weight of the group that you are entering data for.

  • Weight Units.  Select the unit of measure for the average weight.

  • % Uniformity.  Enter the percent of the birds that are uniform in the average body weight.

  • Comments.  Enter any additional comments for this group that you are entering data for.

  • Water.  Record the water consumption by the animals in the house.

  • Water Units.  The water unit of measure recorded.

  • Inside High Temp.  Enter the highest temperature recorded inside the house for the day.

  • Inside Low Temp.  Enter the lowest temperature recorded inside the house for the day.

  • Inside Average Temp.  Enter the average temperature inside the house for the day.

  • Outside High Temp.  Enter the highest temperature recorded outside for the day.

  • Outside Low Temp.  Enter the lowest temperature recorded outside for the day.

  • Outside Average Temp.  Enter the average temperature outside for the day.

  • Temperature Unit.  Select the unit of measure that the temperatures were recorded.

  • Lighting Time On.  The time the lighting in the house was turned on.

  • Lighting Time Off .  The time the ligthing in the house was turned off.

  • Override Lighting Hours.  The total time the lights were on at house.

  • % Humidity.  The percentage representing the amount of water vapor within a house.

  • Rodents. The total number of rodents counted.

  • Flies.  The total number of flies counted.

  • Trap Count. The number of traps layed.

  • Ammonia.  The Ammonia reading parts per million.

  • Custom Values 1,2,3,4. Any values can be entered here if you need additional fields to report data.  Currently there is no place to define these fields and decimal values can be entered.


Molt Cycles

Here is where you will set up your Molt Cycles for each group and when they will start and end.



  • Placement House.  Select the placement house you are entering molt data for. This is a required field.

  • Cycle Number.  Select the molt cycle number you want to add start and end molt dates for.

  • Molt Start.  Enter the groups molt starting date.

  • Molt End.  Enter the groups molt ending date.

  • Comments.  Enter any additional comments for this group that you are entering data for.

Sample Body Weights


In this section, you will collect a sample of body weights and enter them here.  Sample weights are taken to produce an average that will be applied to the entire house/flock.

  • Placement House.  Select the placement house you are entering body weight data for. This is a required field.

  • Sample Date.  Select the date you took the body weight sample.

  • Flock Count.  The number of head represented in the weight value.

  • Sample Weight.  The total weight of the sample weighed.

  • Tare Weight.  Allow the user to account for the weight of the container utilized.

  • Weight Units.  Select the unit of measure used to take the body weights.


When the user does not take individual animal weights, but rather weighs multiple animals at once, enter the number of head represented in the weight value.  This will divide by the number of head to get an average weight of the sample.  When the user saves the sample weights the average weight is stored as the case weight or body weight of the original row on the form. 

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