Molt Management

Molt Management

Molt Defaults 

Estimated Molts for Projection Purposes

When you know a flock will molt in the future you can set up Molt defaults on the flock form under the production tab.  Setting up Molt defaults will create a placeholder for the expected molt in depreciation schedules as well as projections.

Flock Form → Production Tab

Select the defaults for the groups Molt Cycles.

  • Unit of Measure. Select the default unit of measure for molt.

  • Cycle Age/Time.  For each Molt cycle enter the Age that the molt will begin and the length of time that they will molt or enter the ending percent hen day production that will end the molt cycle.

Standard Tables

Add Cycle 2 system tables to your contracts and/or flocks

Flock Form → Tables Tab

Actual Molts

Molt Cycles

When your flock actually molts, you will want to log an actual molt record.

Live Inventory → Recordkeeping (Rec)

Under the Molt Cycles Tab, enter cycle number 1, the form will auto-populate the placement house and the molt start and end dates from the molt defaults (if set up).  These dates can be overridden if they are not the actual dates that the molt happened.

If your flock molts another time, you can add cycle number 2 to the molt cycles tab.

  • Placement House.  Select the placement house you are entering molt data for. This is a required field.

  • Cycle Number.  Select the molt cycle number you want to add start and end molt dates for.

  • Molt Start.  Enter the groups molt starting date.

  • Molt End.  Enter the groups molt ending date.

  • Comments.  Enter any additional comments for this group that you are entering data for.

Flock List

When a flock is in Molt you will see a M reference on the flock listing.  When a flock is in cycle 2 you will see a 2 reference on the flock listing.

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