Capitalization and Depreciation

Capitalization and Depreciation



Expense Type

Set up your Expense Types on the System Types tab within System Settings.  The user will select the Expense Types field from the Types Drop Down to view or edit.  The yellow diamond indicates that the item is a System item and cannot be deleted.  It can be set to inactive if you do not wish to see it in the software.  The user can overwrite the System Name by entering an Actual Name which will be what you see in the drop downs for Expense Types throughout the System.


Expense Codes

In Expense Codes, you will set up all of your different expenses.  Expense codes are the items your company tracks costs for.



       Code: The corresponding Expense Code. This code must be unique.

       Description: Description of the Expense Code.

       Expense Type: Sets up what Expense Type this code is related to.

       Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Expense Codes are associated with.


Add at least one expense code for storing the calculated depreciation amount. This field is designated by setting the Expense Type to ‘Animal Depreciation’.

Expense Groups

Expense groups allow various expense items to be grouped together and subtotaled for reporting purposes.



       Code: A corresponding Code for Expense Groups. This code must be unique.

       Description: The description of the Expense Group.

       Industry Type: The Industry Type the Expense Group is associated with.

       Grouping: Choose the expense Codes that should be included within the expense group from the list on the left and Add them using the right arrow. Remove Expenses by selecting them on the right and clicking the left arrow.


Expense Transfer Settings

Under System -->System Settings →Expense Settings Tab – Add Rule from industry type to industry type as shown below.

Expense Settings are grouped together to show how they will transfer from one industry to another.  To set up an expense transfer, the user will select the source industry type, and then right click to start the setup.

User can then map out the source and destination expense codes.  When groups are transferred from one group to another, these settings will be referred to and expenses transferred accordingly.

On next form add an effective date, select radio button on how to transfer feed and click the checkbox on all expense codes that are to be included in expense transfers.

Capitalization Codes

Capitalization Codes allow the user to select what expense items will be capitalized and how.  The user could then associate all related expense fields and group them together.  Users can transfer all expenses but not choose to capitalize all of them.


Users have the option to Cap Feed Expenses By Delivered or By Consumed dollars.



       Code: The corresponding Capitalization Code. This code must be unique.

       Description: Description of the Capitalization Code.

       Cap Cycle: What cycle is this Capitalization code associated with.

       Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Capitalization Codes are associated with.





Capitalization Settings

Here you can set up if and how you will capitalize each group within the Production tab of the Group form.  You can also choose to capitalize your Molt cycles.  Once these settings are in place the groups will automatically capitalize when they reach the set age or date.



Capitalize Cycle 1 expenses to: Select this check box to set group to capitalize on their first cycle and select the capitalization code you want to use.

  • Capitalize at Age: Select this option to capitalize the group based on a selected age.

  • Capitalize on the Date of Transfer: Select this option to capitalize the group on the date of the Transfer.

Capitalize Molt Cycles. Select this check box to capitalize a group during their molt cycles.

  • Cycle 2: Select a capitalization code that will be used to capitalize those expenses during their second Cycle.

  • Cycle 3: Select a capitalization code that will be used to capitalize those expenses during their third Cycle.

Round capitalization dates to a week-ending date. Check this to round cap dates to your week-ending

Calendar: Select which week ending calendar to utilize

Rounding Rule: You can always round to the last week-ending date, the next week ending date or straight round when choosing which week-ending date to utilize.




Live Inventory Transfer Expenses

When transferring a group to another group you can choose to transfer the groups expenses with it.  By selecting the checkbox all of the expenses that were set up in expense settings to transfer for a specific industry to another specific industry will be moved.  You can also select to transfer capitalized expenses during a relocation.  A portion of the cap balance for should be transferred to the destination.




The reconcile button will re-trigger the expense transfer process and show you how all of your expenses transferred and where they went.  Here you can make sure that all your expenses transferred and that there is no difference.  You can only see the expenses from the flock that transferred out the expenses.





Expense Log

In the Expense Log tab you will be able to view all of the expenses related to the selected group. 



In the Transferred Out tab the user can transfer the expenses along with that group and the user can also view all the expenses that were transferred with the group.



When a user Transfers animals out of a house into another, the user can transfer the expenses along with that group. The Transfer In tab will list all of the expenses that came in when a group was Transferred.


The Capitalized tab will show the amount to be capitalized and the date the capitalization will take place. Capitalization can be set up in the group form and will happen automatically.



Total Cap Amount

If you want to bypass creating multiple expenses on the pullet side and just applying a total cap amount to the Layer flock to be depreciated, you can create an expense with the total cap amount.  This expense record should use a date prior to the cap date to ensure that it starts depreciating at the right time.  You can create an expense code that represents the cap amount and make sure it is applied to the flocks cap code.  See Depreciation Adjustment section below to adjust the cap amount mid-flock.


Depreciation Percentage System Tables

 You can set up Depreciation Percentage tables.  To do this you will go to System Tables --> Percentage --> Depreciation Percentage.  Tables are set up with information for each day in the life of an animal group.



 Code. Create a code that corresponds to the Table. This code must be unique.

 Description. A description of the Table the user wishes to imput.

 Status. Whether the Table is currently Active or Inactive. This field will default to the system default of Active.

 Cycle. Sets up what cycle this Table is used for.

 Ages. Sets up whether the table’s information is per day or per week in the life of animal group.

 Relations. Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Table is associated with.


When this table is applied to an animal group, as depreciation is scheduled, the software will reference this table to determine the expected capitalization amount to be depreciated among the group.





Depreciation Configuration

The Depreciation configuration allows a user to set up various depreciation rules.


 Rule Code: A corresponding Code for a Depreciation Rule. This code must be unique.

 Rule Description: A description of the Depreciation Rule.

 Cycle: Pertains to the cycle that the depreciation schedule belongs.

 Expense Code: 

 End Balance Code: 

 Mortality Loss Code: 

Calculate Mortality Loss During Molt:  Check the checkbox for this option if you want to include the mortality loss.

 % To Depreciate: Sets the available amount from the original Cap value that can be depreciated on the schedule.

 Status: Whether the Rule is currently active or inactive. This field will default to the system default of Active.

 Relations: Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the Rule is associated with.



       Amount Per: Allows for the selection of how the schedule will calcualte the values.

       Apply Period: Configures exactly how the schedule will display the values.

       Rounding: Allows the users to determine how to round the solutions because the calculation will not result in perfect answers.

       *Amount: The amount to be used per period. This field must be entered if using straight line depreciation.

       *Number of Periods: The number of periods the depreciation rule applies. (refers back to the apply period).

       Fixed Salvage: The amount of dollars set aside not to be used in the depreciation.

       Salvage Per Head: Instead of using a fixed dollar amount a user can select an amount per head to be set aside.

       Calendar: Allows for a specific Calendar to be used.

       Apply Table: If a percentage table was selected in Amount Per this is where the percentage table would be selected. if a percentage table is utilized, the system table must be set up under Depreciation Percentage or Percent Hen Day Production.

* Amount and number of periods are pending a change where only one may be entered, and the other calculated accordingly.



Depreciation Configuration by Group

Here is where you will configure the depreciation rules by group.  To add a depreciation rule edit a flock and go to the deprieciation tab.  Click on the + sign on the toolbar.  The Group Depreciation Rule form will appear.  Here you can select what Cycle this is for and when it is Effective.   Here is also where you can select you Depreciation Rules that are set up or override depreciation rules for a group.


Fill in the following fields to add a deprecation rule to the flock/group.

       Cycle. Select the cycle this rule is set up for.

       Sex. The sex of the flock/group.

       Effective. The date depreciation is set to take effect.

       Depreciation Rule. Select the depreciation rule for this group during the selected cycle as to how expenses are to be dispersed.

       LOF. Select this check box if the depreciation is to be set for the Life of the Flock.

Depreciation rules can be overridden for each flock by filling in the fields below.

       *Amount. The amount to be used per period. This field must be entered if using straight line depreciation.

       *Number of Periods. The number of periods the depreciation rule applies. (refers back to the apply period).

       Fixed Salvage. The amount of dollars set aside not to be used in the depreciation.

       Salvage per Head. Instead of using a fixed dollar amount a user can select an amount per head to be set aside.

       Apply Table. If a percentage table was selected in Amount Per this is where the percentage table would be selected. if a percentage table is utilized, the system table must be set up under Depreciation Percentage or Percent Hen Day Production.

* Amount and number of periods are pending a change where only one may be entered, and the other calculated accordingly.




Depreciation Schedule

The Depreciation Schedule will list how expenses will be dispersed over the life of the group. Depreciation Settings are configured in the Expense Settings and the rules are set up for each group in the group form.



Depreciation Adjustment

You can adjust cap in the depreciation schedule up or down by creating an expense record and apply the cap code to the expense code.  You will not see the amount adjust in the cap tab but you will see the adjustment in the schedule itself.

Flocks cap code

Highlighted line shows to increase cap costs by $4,000.  The cap code is applied under expense code and is a current date.


In the schedule you can see the increase in the cap amount as of 10/1/2018.


Accounting Close Dates

Here you can set and view accounting close dates for each group within a division. Select a division, group status and hit the Execute button and all groups will display with the current close date that has been applied. To modify a pre-existing close date or to add a new date, enter a date in the "New Close" date column. Those forms that are configured to be locked down in the Accounting Close Configuration in the System Settings will no longer allow addition, modification or deletion of records for any date prior to and including the Close Date.




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