Transfer Inventory.

To move inventory from one location to another, use the Transfer Inventory option.


  1. Inventory

  2. Adjustment Codes

Access Inventory module.
Click Transfer Inventory.

 "Transfer From Info" section.

Select a Company
Select a Division.
Select a Location.

Optional: Select other options for the From location such as Inventory Type, Item Code to filter down available inventory lines. 

"Transfer To Info" section.

Select a Company
Select a Division.
Select a Location.

Select a Period.
Optional: Specify any other transfer to information such as Bin, Ship Via, or Transfer Date
Specify an Adjustment Code.
Click Retrieve.

Find the desired Items / Lines that you wish to transfer.
Enter in a Transfer Qty or Transfer Pack value on the desired lines.
Click Transfer.

Click Yes to confirm the transfer.
Optional: Click the Print or Print BOL buttons to print a report of the transfer.
Click Close