Understanding As of Date Inventory
Throughout Aeros ERP, the system allows transactions to be "back dated" to the date the actual activity occurred, even if that date is not the same date as it is being recorded in the system (today's date).
Some of the transactions that allow this are Order Allocations, Physicals, Adjustments, Usages, Transfers, or Work Orders (there may be others).
Imagine the following activity example for an Item:
When running the Inventory Listing Report Wizard for any of the As of Dates specified, the balance will show the appropriate number.
For example, running the report as of 3/2/2015, would show a 7,500 Balance.
However, imagine performing one of the transactions above, such as an Order Allocation as of 3/2/2015.
In that case, the system would only show an Available inventory balance of 3,250.
This is because the system cannot reduce the 7,500 balance by a number greater than 3,250 (the current ending Balance).
Doing so would not leave enough inventory for the 4/1/2015 and 5/1/2015 (4,250) Usage transactions that occurred after 3/1/2015.
Because of this, you may see discrepancies when performing transactions that allow you to specify an As of Date, versus the Inventory Listing reports.