Create Adjustment Codes
Use the Adjustment Code Maintenance screen to create and edit Adjustment Codes.
Step-by-Step Guide
Access the Master module.
Click Inventory.
Click Adjustment Code.
Click Add.
Specify a Code value. For example: SPILL
Specify a Description value. For example: Spillage
Click the G/L Account tab.
On the first blank row, specify a Company / Division option.
Select a G/L Account option.
Optional: Select a Sales G/L Account option.
Optional: Select a Cost of Goods G/L option.
Optional: Add a new Company / Division row by select the next blank line. Then repeat Step #9 to Step #11.
Optional: Click the Transfer Markups tab to add Markups to this Adjustment Code.
Transfer Markups are used when performing an Inventory Transfer.On the first blank row, specify a Markup Code option.
Specify a Cost value.
Optional: Check the Per Load checkbox.
Optional: Specify a From and To location option.
Optional: Click the Usage Markups tab to add Markups to this Adjustment Code.
Usage Markups are used when performing an Inventory Usage.On the first blank row, specify a Markup Code option.
Specify a Cost value.
Optional: Check the Per Load checkbox.
Optional: Specify a Location option.
Click Save.