- Using Master Table - EDI - EDI Document Type, create a new Document Type:
- Using Mater Table - EDI - EDI Partner Code, create a new Partner Code:
- Using Mater Tables - Sales - Customer, specify the Order Partner Code and Order Type options as created above. This needs to be done to each Customer that needs to have its Orders sent to the other ERP client.
Setup the ImportExportConnection table record within the ERP database:
Note: This may have already been completed.Column Value [idImportExportConnection] (Auto-Assigned) [ImportExportConnectionDesc] ERP [ImportExportConnectionString] Full Connection String [fkImportExportDatabaseType] 2 (User Data) Column Value [idImportExportConnection] (Auto-Assigned) [ImportExportConnectionDesc] Ext Database [ImportExportConnectionString] Full Connection String [fkImportExportDatabaseType] 1 (External Data) Setup ImportExportJob table records within the _Ext database:
Column Value idImportExportJob (Auto-Assigned) ImportExportJobDesc ERP EDI File Generation & Transfer ImportExportJobOrder (Desired Order) IsQueued False Setup ImportExportStep table records within the _Ext database:
Also, be sure to create the ImportExportMap records with each associated step.Column Value [idImportExportStep] (Auto-Assigned) [ImportExportStepDesc] Extract Orders to File [fkImportExportJob] Auto-Assigned Value from ImportExportJob [fkImportExportDirection] 2 (for Outgoing) [CommandOrder] 1 [SourceCommand] Write XML Statement [fkSourceCommandType] 1 for Select Statement, 2 for Stored Procedure [fkSourceConnection] idImportExportConnection from ERP.dbo.ImportExportConnecton [DestinationCommand] NULL [fkDestinationCommandType] 4 (for Internal Method) [fkDestinationConnection] NULL [InternalMethodDLL] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.dll [InternalMethod] CreateFile [InternalClass] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.BusinessObjects.ImportExport.ImportExportObject [ImportExportStepReferenceID] NULL [IsProcessOnEmptyRecordSet] False Column Value [idImportExportStep] (Auto-Assigned) [ImportExportStepDesc] E-Mail File [fkImportExportJob] Auto-Assigned Value from ImportExportJob [fkImportExportDirection] 2 (for Outgoing) [CommandOrder] 2 [SourceCommand] E-Mail File Statement [fkSourceCommandType] 1 for Select Statement, 2 for Stored Procedure [fkSourceConnection] idImportExportConnection from ERP.dbo.ImportExportConnecton [DestinationCommand] NULL [fkDestinationCommandType] 4 (for Internal Method) [fkDestinationConnection] NULL [InternalMethodDLL] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.dll [InternalMethod] SendEmail [InternalClass] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.BusinessObjects.ImportExport.ImportExportObject [ImportExportStepReferenceID] NULL [IsProcessOnEmptyRecordSet] False
Column Value [idImportExportStep] (Auto-Assigned) [ImportExportStepDesc] Move / Archive File [fkImportExportJob] Auto-Assigned Value from ImportExportJob [fkImportExportDirection] 2 (for Outgoing) [CommandOrder] 3 [SourceCommand] Move Rename File Statement [fkSourceCommandType] 1 for Select Statement, 2 for Stored Procedure [fkSourceConnection] idImportExportConnection from ERP.dbo.ImportExportConnecton [DestinationCommand] NULL [fkDestinationCommandType] 4 (for Internal Method) [fkDestinationConnection] NULL [InternalMethodDLL] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.dll [InternalMethod] MoveRenameFile [InternalClass] Agrisoft.ERP.Process.BusinessObjects.ImportExport.ImportExportObject [ImportExportStepReferenceID] NULL [IsProcessOnEmptyRecordSet] False
Note: Instead of doing a MoveRenameFile, a Delete File Statement option is also available.
Setup the Schedule table record within the ERP database:
Note: Part of this may have already been completed.Column Value [ScheduleID] (Auto-Assigned) [TaskTypeID] 4 (Queue Import/Export Job) [ScheduleDesc] Queue ERP EDI Transfer [ExecuteTime] 1/1/2012 [IntervalTypeID] 1 = Minutes, 2 = Hours, 3 = Days, 4 = Weeks, 5 = Months [IntervalUnits] # of Minutes/Hours/Days/Weeks/Months [IsRecurring] True [IsDeleted] False [IsDisabled] False [RowCreateDate] (Auto-Populated) [RowModifyDate] (Auto-Populated) [RowVersion] (Auto-Populated) [TaskID] Auto-Assigned Value from ImportExportJob Column Value [ScheduleID] (Auto-Assigned) [TaskTypeID] 2 (Process Queued Import/Export Jobs) [ScheduleDesc] Process Job Queue [ExecuteTime] 1/1/2012 [IntervalTypeID] 1 [IntervalUnits] 1 [IsRecurring] True [IsDeleted] False [IsDisabled] False [RowCreateDate] (Auto-Populated) [RowModifyDate] (Auto-Populated) [RowVersion] (Auto-Populated) [TaskID] NULL