Retrieve / Edit Orders

Existing Orders can be retrieved and edited using several different methods.


  1. Customer Orders

Access the Orders module.

Click Customer Order.
You are automatically place into a "Create New Order" mode.

If you know the Order #:

Next to the Order # field at the top of the form,  specify the Order # after the Division Code and hyphen.
For example, if your Division Code is "01", the Order # field will display "01-" by default.
Enter in "01-54532" to display Order # 54532.

Press Enter on your keyboard.

If you do not know the Order #:

Next to the Order # field at the top of the form, click the Search Ellipses button (the three dots ...) to the right of the Order #.

Specify any desired search criteria such as Customer, Status, or Date Options.

Click Retrieve.

Locate the desired Order in the grid selected it.

Click OK