Ship Release Orders

Ship Release Orders

The Ship Release function is used when an Order has been completed and is ready for Invoicing. The Ship Release process does not Invoice an Order, is just makes it available within the Create Invoice screen.


  1. Customer Orders


  1. Logistics > Logistics Maintenance


  1. Click Retrieve



Auto Allocate - Allocates items on an Order without releasing the Order to be Invoiced

Pick Ticket - Opens up Pick Ticket Report

Ship Release - Allocates Items on an Order and releases the Order to be Invoiced.


Shipping Order - Opens up Shipping Order report

**You can also filter the Orders by a specific Ship date or Enter in the specific Order Number.
**Multiple orders can be selected and ship released by using the Control or Shift keys on your keyboard.

Order Number - The number that is provided for the order once it has been created.

Customer - This is the customer number that is assigned to the order

Customer PO No. - This is the number that is assigned in the PO field on the order form.

Ship To - The customer that the order will be shipped to that was specified on the order.

Ship Date - The date when the order will be shipped that was specified on the order

BOL # - This is the Bill of Lading Number that is used for the Bill of Lading Report

Balance - This is the total amount of items that is on the Order

P&H - This is the total allocated amount of the Order

Stock - We do not use Stock. We only use P&H

Ordered - The number of Ordered quantities for each Item that is on the Order.

Billed - Field not used

Shipped - Field not used

Order Amount - Total amount that is ordered from the Order screen

WIP - Field not used

POs - Field not used

Route - The specified route that is specified on the order.

Reclass - This is the reclass that is specified on the order.






Orders that are highlighted in red mean that there is a problem with pricing. You will not be able to Ship Release an order that does not have a price on all lines. You will need to access the Customer Order screen to resolve before performing a Ship Release on the order.



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