Order/Invoice Template Manager - Header Filters.

Order/Invoice Template Manager - Header Filters.

  1. Template Name:

    . You can create a new template by typing in the new template name.

    . Or click the Search Ellipses button to the right to search for existing templates.

  2. Price Group:

    . Price Group were created to group a list of customers under a Super Customer, or a list of customers for different pricing categories.

    . You can create or search for an existing Price Group template. 

  3. Customer:

    . You can create a new template or search for existing customer templates.

  4. Location:

    . You can create a new template or search for existing customer location templates.

  5. Company:

    . You can create a new template or search for existing company templates.

  6. Division:

    . You can create a new template or search for existing division templates.

  7. Active From/To:

    . You can create or search for template(s) for a date or a range of dates

  8. Day of Week:

    . You can create or search for template(s) by day of week - Sunday, Monday, etc...

  9. Base Date:

    . You can create or search template(s) by Order Date, Ship Date, or Delivery Date.

  10. Template For:

    . You can create or search template(s) by Template type category - Order, Invoice, or Both.

  11. Restrict Template:

    . If this checkbox is check, it means this template is restricted, and the user cannot add any items that are not setup in this template when creating a new customer order.

  12. Default Template:

    . If this checkbox is checked, the system will automatically load this template when creating a new customer order.