Feed Delivery Pricing and Finished Feed Inventory Relief

Feed Delivery Pricing and Finished Feed Inventory Relief

Delivery Pricing & Finished Feed Usage (AeLive:  Feed Management à Feed Delivery Pricing)


These feed deliveries will be set with no pricing.  The finished feed inventory is sitting in ERP.  Through the Feed Delivery Pricing, we will update delivery pricing in AeLive and relieve finished feed inventory in ERP.

  1. Navigate to AeLive è Feed Management --> Feed Delivery Pricing --> Create a Delivery Pricing Batch

  2. A wizard will appear, click next to continue

  3. You can create pricing wizards as desired and load them to speed through the process

  4. Select your delivery start and end dates.  This will pull and price deliveries only falling with the selected dates.  Click next.

  5. Select Companies to include in batch and click next

  6. Select Divisions to include in batch and click next

  7. Select TKY for the Turkey Industry and click next

  8. Select Grow and/or Brood Industry types and click next

  9. Select your Feed Mill and click next

  10. Select your Feed Types and click next

  11. You can update or add these wizard settings prior to clicking Finish.

  12. At this time, AeLive will send feed delivery data to ERP for all Feed Deliveries matching the wizard criteria with two exceptions:

  13. Formulas contining formula pricing will not be updated

  14. Feed returns will not be updated.  They will require manual adjustment through inventory and pricing assignment through AeLive

  15. A data grid will appear with a list of feed deliveries that have been priced through ERP.

  16. The messages tab will explain any issues.  If formulas or inventory do not exist in ERP, you will be warned.


AeConnect will retrieve AeLive feed deliveries, ship them over to ERP, where they will be processed.  Each delivery record relieves finished feed inventory where a price is assigned.  The pricing includes the finished feed price which consists of all raw ingredient non-medication items plus the milling charge assigned during the Batching Work Order process.  Medicated ingredient pricing is generated, as well as the delivery cost based on volume produced.  If the delivery went to Five Star Farms, the finished feed inventory is transferred to that Company and Division through an Inventory Transfer.

AeLive will retrieve this pricing and update the feed delivery record into 3 buckets of pricing data: 
Feed Formula (non-medication cost + milling), Feed Medication, and Feed Delivery.