Default Feed Delivery Charge by Delivery Weight

Default Feed Delivery Charge by Delivery Weight

System Settings


Make sure the following check box is checked to be able to calculate Delivery Charges using Feed Delivery Weight.







Add a Component using the Feed Delivery Charge Component Type.



Set your Unit of Measure and Unit Price along with your Feed Delivery Cost expense code.



On this tab you can also distinguish unit prices for different divisions and by effective date if the price will be changing often.




You can add additional component comments if needed.


Farm Form

Once you have added your components, you will then go to your Farm forms and then select your Plants tab and then select the Feed Mill Defaults and Distances Tab.


Under Delivery Charge, select your component you set up.



Note: If you want to pay your delivery charges based off of distance from the feed mill you can then set up the distance to that particular farm.  Your component will need to have the UOM ‘Miles’.



Feed Delivery Form

Once you have the set up complete, and you have deliveries on the feed delivery form you will then come in and select one or multiple rows and right click and select calculate defaults.


Delivery Code must be applied.  You can have this import in with your deliveries if you are using the data import.



Your delivery charge will then calculate off of the net pounds.



Make sure to save the changes.