Configure ERP DB for Vision

Configure ERP DB for Vision


This article documents where to set the ERP database Vision will use when it loads. 


This is a two step process. Change Vision Connections XML file and configure ERP Connection in Vision.



  1. The first step will set the ERP database for Vision at load time. This configuration will tell Vision where to publish the reports. This configuration is in the AerosVisionConnections.XML file. This file is located in Program Files (x86) > Cultura > Aeros Vision directory of the application server where Vision is installed. Edit the XML file using notepad and set the ServerName and DatabaseName to the desired ERP database.

  2. The second step will set the ERP database for Vision after it is loaded and running. This configuration is will tell Vision which ERP database to use when running queries/views/stored procedures to collect data. This configuration is located under Tools/Settings. Select 'Manage Data/Models / Connections'.  This will load the Data Model Listing form. Click the Manage Connections button. This will load the Connection Listing form. Click the pencil next to the ERP connection. Change the Server and Database to match the desired ERP database.

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