Cancel / Complete Purchase Orders

If a Purchase Order has been partially received and it is known that no further products will be received against it, you can mark the Purchase Order, or it's lines as Complete.
A Purchase Order can also be cancelled if needed.
Note: If all lines of a Purchase Order have been received as ordered through the Receive Purchase Orders process, the Purchase Order will automatically be set to Complete.


Purchase Orders


Access the Purchasing module > Purchase Order 
The screen that appears is a Purchase Order Maintenance / Listing screen. Use the Filter options at the top to locate the Purchase Order you wish to edit.
For further instructions, please refer to the Edit / View Purchase Orders article.
Locate the Purchase Order in the listing and Either double-click on the Purchase Order, or click OK to display the Purchase Order. 

In the upper right-hand corner of the Purchase Order, click the drop-down next to Status. Select either Open, Complete, or Cancelled



Optional: Individual lines on a Purchase Order can be marked as Open, Complete, or Cancelled, leaving the Purchase Order in the Open status

Click the Selected PO Line Detail tab
Select the desired Status option
Click Save