Receive Purchase Orders

Use the Receive Against PO screen to record the receipt of inventory into the system


Purchase Orders

Inventory Locations

Access the Purchasing module to select Receive Against PO 

Click New to create a new Receiver 

Use the Purchase Order List screen to locate the PO you wish to receive against
  • Use Purchase Order number to search

  • Reset all filters and select retrieve to see all purchase orders 

Select the Purchase Order, then click OK
Select a Receipt Location, Receiver Date, Inventory Receipt Date option
  • Receiver Date -  This is generally the date that you are recording the Receiver (today).

  • Inventory Receipt Date - This is generally the date that the product actually arrived at the selected Receipt Location

Optional: Specify Vendor Invoice #, Air/Freight Bill #, or other fields.
Optional: Specify Control Totals to help validate your Receiver details.

Click the Inventory Units tab
Select a Purchase Order Line you wish to receive 
Click and hold, then drag the line down to the bottom, empty section

Optional: Specify a Lot # value
Note: Based upon the systems configured Inventory Legends, this label may state something other than Lot # (such as Case #)
Note: The Lot # may be automatically assigned based upon a Division Master configuration (Division - Purchase Order - Auto Assign Lot #)
Specify a Quantity value
Note: The Quantity value may be automatically populated based upon a Division Master configuration. (Division - Inventory - Default Quantity on PO Receiver)
Pack and Base will be automatically populated after quantity is entered and another box is selected 


Optional: Specify an Inventory Location, Warehouse Bin, Overflow Bin, or Delivery value

Optional: For additional lines, repeat Step #12 to Step #16.

Save and Close 

Select either Yes or No to print the Receiver Confirmation