Feed Formulas

Feed Formulas

Formula Management

Feed Management → Feed Formulas → Formula Management

You can now manage formulas in the AeLive application through the Formula screen.

To do so, the user will navigate to the formula screen by clicking Feed Management on the left navigation menu.  From there, the user will click on the Feed Formulas button and select Formula Management.

The formula screen will be displayed as shown. Select a formula from the formula list, which will then display all of the formula’s information to the right of the list. The user can then edit the formula’s data or the user can insert a new formula by clicking the Add New button. The following lists the editable fields for the formula:


  • Code.  The code of the formula. This is a required field.

  • Description.  The description or name of the formula depending on how the company wishes to use the field. This is an optional field

  • Reference. This can be any reference code or information used internally.

  • Status. The current status of the formula. This is a required field.

  • Sex. This is the sex to apply the feed formula.

  • Feed Type. The feed type of the formula. This is an optional field.

  • Relations*.  Sets the Company/Divisions and the Industry Types the feed formulas are associated with.

*Changes to Object Relation will reload the Nutrients and Calories.

Ingredients (optional)

Here you can select the nutrients and ingredients that go into this feed formula and the value of each nutrient.

Feed Mills

Here you can select the feed mills that can produce this feed formula.

To save, the user will click on the Save button to save their changes. The user can also delete an existing formula by selecting that formula and clicking the Delete button.

You can also use our Bulk Data import to create a bunch of feed formulas at a time.  See: Formula Data Import

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