ERP Item to Manager Plus Parts

ERP Item to Manager Plus Parts


This document outlines the steps to perform to commit ERP items to Manager Plus parts. 


To perform this sync, we will need:

  • Security Access to ERP Item Master

  • Security Access to Manager Plus PO 


Power User → Config Feature

A user with admin rights / Power User rights will need to enable the feature, It will be under the "Data Synchronization: Item Master" node in the tree.

Settings → User Profiles

For each user that can review these batches, we'll need to grant them security access.

Creating an Item (ERP)

Master → Inventory → Item

We'll add a new item in ERP. Items of any type or class will be sent, but only items that have been marked as "Send to Manager Plus" (pictured) will be considered.  

Creating and Committing Batches (Connect)

Sync Data → Items → New Batch

When we want to import records from ERP, we'll create a new batch. When we do, we'll see some stats about the last batch we created. By default, the date of that last batch will be the start date to look for records for this batch. It can be overridden, if we suspect there are some records that may have not made it into an earlier batch, that we want to try to include.

When we are ready to proceed, we'll click "Import / Create batch"

Any items that we have created since the last import batch date will be included in the batch. The Manager Plus API does not support updating existing items- only inserting new ones. For that reason we only check the row create date of new items in the filter for selecting records to batch.

All rows on the grid are read-only, except for "Include in Batch" should we only want to send over a select group of records, we can uncheck the ones that we don't.

  • Save: Saves any changes made to the batch. Users can update the batch code and the include in batch fields.

  • Close

  • Delete Batch: Deletes an uncommitted batch.

  • Reload Batch: Reloads the batch from it's last saved state. Any changes made since then are undone.

  • Commit Batch: Commits the batch to Manager Plus.

  • Test Commit: Runs the commit validation without performing the commit.

When we commit, the records will be passed to Manager Plus, and marked and time stamped as sent. When this happens, all valid rows will be grayed out in the view.

if a row fails to send, we can see any error messages in the "Commit Results" tab.

Viewing Items in Manager Plus

Modules → Purchasing → Purchase Orders

There is no "Parts Master" screen. in Manager Plus, so we'll verify they were added by adding a new PO line.

From PO, add a new part line item

Search the Parts line items, and our imported part will appear.

Scheduling Batches

Settings → Other → Scheduled Tasks

We'll add records to the schedule list if we want to schedule these batches

  • DataSyncItemPull: Create a schedule item of this type to automatically create batches of items.

  • DataSyncItemPush: Create a schedule item of this type to automatically commit them to Manager Plus.

Dev Documentation: ERP Item to Manager Plus Part

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