Batcher Loadout File to ERP Order Allocation


Currently this is no process to export a batcher loadout file that has order information and allocate an order in ERP. This process is essential for our Feed Mill clients who want to integrate a batcher system and an ERP system. Cultura's Connect (AAI) Application will be used to accomplish this task.


No process that will allocate an ERP Order from a Batcher Load Out File.


Create a new process in Connect to read a LoadOut File and Allocate an Order in ERP. It has been determined that we will be utilizing the current ERP Sigma Allocation Process.

Wizard and Domain:

Create a new Domain Called Batcher Loadout to ERP Order Alloc

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.





ERP Sigma to WEM Load Out


WEM Load Out

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


From Keith Email:

.       We should be getting the ERP Order # back.
In the LOAD OUT ORDERS to WEM specification, we will be supplying the ERP Order # into the “Order Number” field.
Then, in the LOAD OUT TRANS from WEM specification, one of the columns there is also “Order Number”. As long as WEM populates this with the same value (which would make sense), then we would be fine.

  1. The Order Sequence # and Order Line Sequence # appear to be the only 2 fields that we will need to lookup before populating the table.  In the LOAD OUT TRANS from WEM spec, there are fields for Lot Code and Source. I’m hoping that the files WEM creates, these are the same Lot #’s that are assigned when created; which they should be because of our other custom programming we did for them to use the WEM # as the Lot #.

    1. For “During the Process Allocation a receiver must exist for the order to be allocated.” … It actually looks at the Receiver table? If it is allocating a specific line of inventory, a receiver already had to be there at some point, but then, the inventory could have come from a Work Order. So we will need to look at that logic.

From Jim Email:





Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
