Cancel / Complete Purchase Orders
Cancel / Complete Purchase Orders
If a Purchase Order has been partially received and it is known that no further products will be received against it, you can mark the Purchase Order, or it's lines as Complete.
A Purchase Order can also be cancelled if needed.
Note: If all lines of a Purchase Order have been received as ordered through the Receive Purchase Orders process, the Purchase Order will automatically be set to Complete.
Access the Purchasing module > Purchase Order
The screen that appears is a Purchase Order Maintenance / Listing screen. Use the Filter options at the top to locate the Purchase Order you wish to edit.
For further instructions, please refer to the Edit / View Purchase Orders article.
Locate the Purchase Order in the listing and Either double-click on the Purchase Order, or click OK to display the Purchase Order.
In the upper right-hand corner of the Purchase Order, click the drop-down next to Status. Select either Open, Complete, or Cancelled