Table of Contents
Server Hardware / Software
- Determine Hardware Requirements
- Database Server
- Application Server
- Workstations
- Determine Application Deployment Method
- Workstation Install
- Citrix / Remote Desktop / Terminal Services
- Determine Software Requirements
- SQL Server 2008+
- Windows Server 2012
- Citrix / Remote Desktop / Terminal Services
- Order Hardware
- Order Software
- Configure Hardware
- Configure Software
- Setup Windows Servers
- Setup SQL Server
- Setup Command Shell Access in SQL for AR Import Receivables to work.
-- To allow advanced options to be changed.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for advanced options.
-- To enable the feature.
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for this feature.
- Setup Deployment Method
Configure Environments
- Perform the tasks outlined in this wiki page to configure the database and application servers. You will need to perform each task for each server the client will use our software on.
Application Installation
- Database Configuration
- Staging / Test Database on Cultura Servers
- Staging / Test Database on Customer Servers
- Live Database
- Audit Logs
- Database Users
- Backup / Maintenance Plans
- Application Configuration
- Aeros
- Aeros LIVE
- Aeros Connect
- Aeros Vision
- Extra Tools & Applications
- ODBC Drivers
- CFS Drivers
- CMC Extract Application
- Others
Aeros System Setup
Access Control
- Determine Authentication Method (Active Directory or Direct)
- Configure ERPConnections.xml
- Login to Aeros
- Setup Users
- Setup User Groups / Assign Users to User Groups
Initial Configuration
- Setup GL Account Format
If the Division # length is only 2 characters, after creating the format, you will need to run the following SQL Statement:
UPDATE GLStructure SET glsseg2length = 2
- Setup Companies
- Run SQL to workaround Company Master bug (Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.):
UPDATE Company SET tempno = 0, tempapsnegno = 0, temparsnegno = 0, tempnegno = 0, apspmntbatchno = 0, gljebatchno = 0, gltempno = 0, apvoucherapproval = 0, arsbankdepno = 0 - Setup Units of Measure
- Setup Divisions
- Give Users Access to Divisions (User Profile)
- Delete Default Fake Company/Division Data:
- Configure Company Setting - Division for JE Number
- Configure System Settings - E-Mail Server Settings
- Configure Import Export Connections
- Setup Accounting Periods - NOTE: Ensure periods are created in chronological order
Ledger Configuration
- Setup G/L Sub Types (Optional)
- Setup G/L Accounts
- Create "Suspense" G/L Account
For example: 01-01-9999-9999-9999 for Misc. Control Accounts.
Set Account as Control Account and to Post in Detail - Setup Control Accounts
For unknown's set them as the Suspense G/L Account
Payables Configuration
- Setup Terms
Setup 1099 Types (Optional)Setup 1099 Boxes (Optional)- Setup Vendor Types
- Setup Vendors
- Setup Vendor's Vendor Type (Specifically BANKs)
- Setup Bank Accounts
- Setup Check Format
- Update Client Objects Table for new Custom Check Format
Run This Update Script
update ClientObjects
SET DataWindowName = 'WizardCheckPrint',
DataObject = 'rptAPSCheckPrint'
WHERE WindowName = 'w_aps_p_check'update ClientObjects
SET DataWindowName = 'WizardCheckPrint',
DataObject = 'rptAPSCheckPrint'
WHERE WindowName = 'w_aps_u_batch_payment_print'update ClientObjects
SET DataWindowName = 'WizardCheckPrint',
DataObject = 'rptAPSCheckPrint'
WHERE WindowName = 'w_aps_u_manual_payment'update ClientObjects
SET DataWindowName = 'WizardCheckPrint',
DataObject = 'rptAPSCheckPrint'
WHERE WindowName = 'w_aps_u_payment_reprint'
- Setup Invoice Types (Optional)
Receivables Configuration
- Setup Country Codes
- Setup State Codes
- Setup Term Codes
- Setup Sales Analysis Groups
- Setup Price Groups
- Setup Freight Terms
- Setup Vendors as SHIPVIA's
- Setup Customers
- Validate Imported Data:
Invalid State Codes: SELECT statecd, * FROM Cust WHERE statecd NOT IN (SELECT statecd FROM state)
Invalid Country Codes: SELECT cntrycd, * FROM Cust WHERE cntrycd NOT IN (SELECT cntrycd FROM country)
Invalid Terms Code: SELECT terms, * FROM Cust WHERE terms NOT IN (select termscd FROM terms)
- Validate Imported Data:
- Setup Deposit Types
- Setup Payment Types
Order & Logistics Configuration
- Setup Receivables (See items above)
- Setup Inventory Legends / Format Codes
- Setup Inventory Types
- Inventory Type G/L Accounts
- Setup Units of Measure
- Setup Items
- Validate Imported Data:
- Invalid Unit of Measure: SELECT DISTINCT uofmcd FROM ItemMaster WHERE uofmcd NOT IN (SELECT uofmcd FROM UofM)
Invalid Equivalent Unit of Measure: SELECT DISTINCT equivuofm FROM ItemMaster WHERE equivuofm NOT IN (SELECT uofmcd FROM UofM)
- Validate Imported Data:
- Setup Miscellaneous Charge Codes
- Misc Charge Code G/L Accounts
- Setup Inventory Locations
- Setup Remit To Addresses
- Setup Division Master Options
- Assign Inventory Locations to Divisions
- Assign Default Remit To Address
- Assign Default Inventory Type
- Assign Default Unit of Measure