EDI Outgoing Processing
This article documents how to process outgoing EDI transmissions.
Bulk Order Creation
Navigate to the Logistics > EDI Transmission.
You can simply click the Retrieve button, the system will display all EDI invoices that are pending, released, transmitted, error and rejected.
Or, you can start selecting any of following items to filter and narrow down the list of your invoices:
Select a Company.
Select a Division.
Select a Status - Pending - ready for transmission.
Select a Customer.
Select a Location.
Select a Date Type - Order date, Invoice date, Ship date or Delivery date.
Select a Date Range.
Select a Partner Code.
Select a Document Type.
Click on Retrieve.
Once the pending invoices are displayed on the screen, select invoice(s) that you want to process and click on the Process button.
After the system is done processing the invoice, it will set the invoice status to Released.
Once the invoice has been released, 1EDIHQ will pick it up, process it, transmit to 1EDIHQ and set the status of this invoice to "Transmitted". You can then review the outbound invoices from 1EDIHQ.