Specify Catch Weights

The Pick Ticket is used to display a list of items on an order and to allow the shipping dock to load a truck as requested.


  1. Customer Orders

Step-by-step guide

  1. Access the Logistics module.

  2. Click Logistics Maintenance.

  3. In the Filter section at the top of the screen, specify a Ship Date.

  4. Optionally, use the other options to select a range of Ship Dates using the From/To fields, or search by a Customer.

  5. Click Retrieve.

  6. Select the desired Order.

  7. Click the Auto-Allocate button.
    The system will then Allocate inventory to the lines on the Order.

  8. Right click on the Order.

  9. Click on Weights.

  10. Select the line Item of the Order you wish to specify Weights for.

  11.  Click the Weight button.

  12.  For each line, specify the weight of the Case.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click OK to close the Weights screen.