Feed Mill Process Troubleshooting

Add New Ingredients

When in Feed Production, you may get an error that says Ingredient XXXX does not exist in ERP, Unable to find Ingredient.  That means it needs to be added to ERP.

Item Master

Go to Master → Inventory →Item, Select the Inventory Type your item should be in.

You can verify that it is not in the item master by searching for that formula.

You can either hit New and create the formula from scratch or Duplicate an existing Formula.

Enter in the New formula code and Description

Set Unit of Measure, Pack Quantity, and Pack UOM

Save the item

Mapping Ingredients to Aeros ERP

Map Ingredients from what the code is in the formula file to what the code is in Aeros Ingredient item master.

In Connect go to Settings --> Generic Mappings




Description: Include a description for the row (Ingredient Name)

Source Value: What is the source value?  Source is the Brill File Ingredient Code in this instance

Target Value: What is the Target value?  Target is ERP item code for the ingredient in this instance


Add New Formulas

When in Feed Production, you may get an error that says Work Order Formula code XXXX was not found in ERP, No effective formula found.  That means it needs to be added to ERP.


Item Master

Go to Master → Inventory →Item, Select the Inventory Type your item should be in.

You can verify that it is not in the item master by searching for that formula.

You can either hit New and create the formula from scratch or Duplicate an existing Formula.

Enter in the New formula code and Description

Set Unit of Measure, Pack Quantity, and Pack UOM

Save the item


Formula Master

Go to Work Order → Formula Master

You can verify that it is not in the formula master by searching for that formula.  Look to see how other formulas are set up in the system as you will want to set this one up the same way.

You can hit Add, then select the calendar button

Select Add a New effective date and select an older date such as 1/1/2020 and accept.

Then select the Item, Fill in the Description, and Select any Work Order configurations that need to be set.

Make sure that the By Percent checkbox and Allow additions to Ingredients, Allow Modifications to Ingredient Units, % values, and Allow modifications to formula markup costs checkbox is set


Go to Markups Tab and enter any markups for the formula.

Go to Divisions Tab and select the division and the GL to use when the formula is created in the work order.


This will become the template CONNECT uses to create new effective dates when the nutritionist file is inserted.

Map formula codes when Nutrient File is different than ERP

Map formula codes from what the code is in the Nutrient file to what the formula code is in Aeros ERP

In Connect go to Settings -->  Integration Mapping


Map Formula Codes when Work Order Production File is different than ERP

Map formula codes from what the code is in the work order production file to what the formula code is in Aeros ERP.

In Connect fo to Settings → Integration Mapping


Aeros LIVE Formula Management

You can go into Aeros LIVE and check that the formula exists there.  However, if it was in your nutritionist file, it will create the formula in Aeros LIVE automatically so most likely it should be there.

Feed Management → Feed Formulas → Formula Management

Right-click on the header and select Show Auto Filter Row to search the table.


Map Formula Codes when Nutrient File is different than whats in Aeros LIVE for Feed Deliveries

Map formula codes from what the code is in the nutritionist file to what the formula code is in Aeros Live that will be used for feed deliveries.

In Connect fo to Settings → Integration Mapping


Work Order needs to be Manually Processed in ERP ERROR

Work Order: Formula: XXX returned with an error: Error completing work order for Staging AAI record and needs to be manually processed in ERP.

In ERP, Go to Work Orders → Work Order Processing and retrieve any Open Work Orders


You can then get a list of open work orders, you can select all and select Produce.  This will finish producing any work orders that can complete and leave any that still have issues.

You can then enter the work orders and select Allocate to see where the issue is.

Usually, this is due to a small amount of shortage on a work order for 1 particular ingredient and it already allocated most of the ingredients.



New Houses/Bins need to be set up

1. Warehouse Bins in ERP

Navigate to Master > Inventory > Warehouse Bin. Choose the appropriate Inventory Location, then click the Warehouse Bins tab. With the Warehouse Bin tab selected, click the New button to add a new bin.

Navigate to Warehouse Bin

Select Location

Add Warehouse Bin with the same code in Comment


2. Add Bin to House in Aeros LIVE

Navigate to Facility Management > Locate the Farm  > Locate the House then click on Edit Selected to access the house settings. Click the Feed Bins tab. With the Feed Bins tab selected, enter the Bin Code, select the Bin Type and enter the Actual Capacity and Unit of Measure (example: 12 Tons).

Navigate to House


Add Bin for House

3. Map the two in CONNECT

Navigate to Settings > Integration Mapping then click on Integration Mapping. Select Source Product as Aeros Live and Source Field as Farm Code. Select Target Product as Aeros - Inventory Control and Target Field as Inventory Usage Adjustment Code. With these 4 values selected click the Load. Next, scroll to the bottom of the existing settings and enter your new codes on the row with the asterisk.

Navigate to Integration Mapping

Select Product and Fields to Map
Then Click Load

Scroll down and add new code