JE to Aeros Live Expense
ERP Journal Entry
Make sure that in the comment in the Journal Entry header you include the flock number this expense is supposed to go to if this is a DIRECT expense. You must put an ‘F’ in front of the flock number so the system knows this is a flock number and not just a regular comment. In the CONNECT batch you will be able to enter the flock number in the batch if you miss it in this step.
Running a Batch
Select to run a batch from AP or JE to AeLIVE Expense.
The following screen will show up. You can select Show public parameters to select a saved parameter or select next to create a new one.
In the following screenshot, you can see the saved parameters. Double click or select one and click load to use a saved parameter. You should be set up already if you use POULT INVOICES.
Once you select next you will then select the company and the accounting period you want to run the batch for.
Include the General Ledger Accounts you want to pull in. Or exclude specific GL accounts. An asterisks will pull in all for each segment not specified. You can also exclude specific GL accounts.
On the last step you can save a new parameter or hit finish to continue and create the batch.
Once the batch is ran, it will pull in all your transactions for the accounting period and company for the selected GL account.
If you missed entering a flock code for direct expenses you can manually enter it in under the flock code column. A flock code is not needed for indirect expenses.
Make sure that the transactions you want to commit to Aeros LIVE Expenses have the Include in Batch check-box checked.
Committing Batch
Once you are happy with your batch, you can then select ‘Test Commit’ to test the batch or select ‘Commit Batch’. Test commit will check to make sure that there are no problems with the batch but will not actually send the records over to Aeros LIVE. Commit Batch will send the records to Aeros LIVE. There is a roll back option just in case you commit something you did not want to.
Once committed, you can then check the commit results tab to make sure all went through successfully.
The expense will then be applied to the desired flock’s expense tab and the create type will read that the expense was imported through the AP or JE process.
By default, the Flock Code column is the Flock Code in LIVE. To treat the Flock Code as flock ID, the configuration flag APAndJE_IsUseFlockCode
can be used to control the behavior. Here’s the SQL script to change the configuration flag.
declare @temp table
sKey varchar(100) not null
, sData varbinary(50) not null
-- pick one or the other
--insert into @temp(sKey,sData) select 'APAndJE_IsUseFlockCode', convert(varbinary(50), 0x01); -- treat as flock code
insert into @temp(sKey,sData) select 'APAndJE_IsUseFlockCode', convert(varbinary(50), 0x00); -- treat as flock Id
merge dbo.ConfigSystem t
using @temp s
on t.ConfigKey = s.sKey
when not matched by target
then insert (ConfigKey,[Value])
values (sKey,sData)
when matched
then update
set [Value] = sdata;
select *, cast([value] as varchar(max)) from dbo.ConfigSystem;
This is the flock code column