Create Formulas in Formula Master

Create Formulas in Formula Master

Formulas are used when producing Work Orders or to calculate pricing within the Price Basis routines.

When using for Feed Production, you would specify the formula you want to make up based on a list of ingredients.



  1. G/L Accounts

  2. Items

    1. Finished Items

    2. Ingredients


Access the Work Orders Module in Aeros ERP.  Select Formula Master.


Add New Formula

To add a new formula to the Formula Master, Click the Add button in the ribbon bar.

Click the Calendar Icon next to the Effective Date field.

Specify an Effective Date and then Click the Accept button.

If a work order is created the system will look at the production date to determine which effective date to utilize for the formulation.


Formula Tab

Work Order → Formula Master → Formula Tab

The formula tab is where you determine what the formula code that is used that will make up the formulation.

Item.  Select a formula from the Item drop-down.  This list is coming from the Item Master of all Items available.  This is Required.

Description.  A description of the formula.  This is Required.

Active.  Is this Formula Master Active


Relieve Only.  

By Percent.  





Configure Formula using the additional options presented on the screen.  These are optional.

Add to Production.  ??

Allow Additions to Ingredients.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow additional ingredients to be added to the work order in addition to the ones from this formula master.

Allow Modifications to Ingredient Units, % Values.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow Modifications to the Units within ingredients.

Allow Additions to Formula Markups.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow additions to Formula Markups.

Allow Modifications to Formula Markup Costs. When this is selected, and a work order is created allow Modifications to Formula Markup Costs.

Allow Additions to Transfer Markups.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow additions to Transfer Markups.

Allow Modifications to Transfer Markeup Costs.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow Modifications to Transfer Markup Costs

Allow Additions to Usage Markups.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow additions to Usage Markups.

Allow Modifications to Usage Markup Costs.  When this is selected, and a work order is created allow Modifications to Usage Markup Costs

Ingredients Tab

Work Order → Formula Master → Ingredients Tab

Click on the first blank row and specify an Item # as the first ingredient.
Specify the number of Units or Pack necessary for this ingredient.
Entering a Units value should automatically calculate the Pack based upon the Item Master configuration.
Entering a Pack value should automatically back-calculate the Units if the Item Master's Back Calculate Units option is enabled.

Optional: Add any additional Items to the grid by clicking on the bottom blank row.

Markups Tab

Work Order → Formula Master → Markeups Tab

Click the Markups tab if you would like to specify any desired Markups.  This is optional.  Usually, Markups for feed production include Delivery fees and or Milling Charges.

A Markup Code will need to be defined in the Master Config before being able to select one.  The Amount you specify for markup is a per-pound calculated price.  You can alternatively check the per Batch option for a solid fee per formulation produced.

Divisions Tab

Work Order → Formula Master → Divisions Tab

Specify a GL account the work order process will utilize when producing feed.

Required: Specify a Company / Division and G/L Account that this Formula is valid for.

Optional: Add any additional Company / Divisions and G/L account to the grid by clicking on the bottom blank row.

Note: This must be set as an Asset account and the Cost of Goods Sold checkbox must be specified on the G/L Account Master.

Inventory Locations Tab

Work Order → Formula Master → Inventory Locations Tab

Click on the Inventory Locations tab and specify the default sources of inventory for the ingredients.  This is optional.  Inventory Locations will need to be defined in the Master Config before being able to select one. 


Click the Save button in the ribbon bar. 

Additional Options

Remove Formula.

Select formula and select remove from the ribbon bar.  If the formulation has been used in a work order the system will not allow you to delete the formula.  You must set as inactive instead.

Set new effective date:

Click the Calendar Icon next to the Effective Date field.

Specify an Effective Date and then Click the Accept button.

You can select the copy selected dates values to new date to bring over all information to new date where it can make it easier to modify ingredient values and percentages.

If a work order is created the system will look at the production date to determine which effective date to utilize for the formulation.

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