VROOZI Purchase Orders to ERP Purchase Orders

VROOZI Purchase Orders to ERP Purchase Orders


Users will create purchase orders for all corn, soy, and feed ingredients in VROOZI. These purchase orders will be promoted to ERP to be received.

Some of these purchase orders will be received directly in VROOZI. When they are, the receivers will need to be sent to ERP, Inventory created in that system, and the PO's completed when they are fulfilled.

For specific mills, the POs created in VROOZI and imported to ERP will be sent to Easy Automation, where they will be received. Those receivers will need to be passed to CONNECT, then back to VROOZI to mark the PO completed at its source.  


To create purchase orders in VROOZI, we will need:

  • "Shopper" or "Admin" privileges.

To view the Purchase Orders and Receivers in ERP, we will need:

  • "Purchasing" privileges.

CONNECT Configuration

Settings → Product Configurations → Aeros CONNECT

Under settings, we'll need to configure CONNECT to use VROOZI's implementation. We'll dot his by setting the Data Synchronization Setting for Purchase Orders to "17" This is CONNECT's product ID for VROOZI. 


Power User → Config Features

We'll need to enable the feature. All of it's settings are under "'Ordering / Purchase Orders". We'll enable all features for Purchase Order.


Settings → User Profiles

Once we have the feature enabled, we can grant users access to the feature.


ERP Configuration

In the ERP database, we'll need to add the custom stored procedure cust.spDataSync_GetPurchaseOrdersReceivers. This will be used by ERP to pick up receipts that are created by Easy Automation and passed back to ERP. 


Creating VROOZI Purchase Orders 

Shopper View → Create → Non Catalog Request

There are two views that we can create purchase orders in. At Go-Live, we imagine that almost everyone will be creating them from the "Shopper View". We'll create a new catalog request to generate purchase orders.


Admin View → Buy Route → Create Order

From the admin view, we can also generate purchase orders. We'll click "Create Order" and proceed from here. 


We'll need to fill in required information such as supplier to create our PO header.

As we continue through the prompts, we will also have to enter custom fields and a shipping address.


When we add items, we will need to show custom fields.

One of these custom fields is "Part Number". At some point, VROOZI will catalog this with a list of our items. We must enter a part number that matches an ERP item code.



Finally, before saving it, we'll need to code it to a Company, Cost Center and Account. 


We'll add as many items as we need and we will continue.

When we finish, we will see a screen that lists the entirety of this PO. One we have reviewed the PO and entered any additional fields, At the bottom of the screen we will click "Submit"

Our PO will be sent to a "Processing" status, but after a time it will be promoted to "Ordered".


Buy Route → PO Status → In Progress

From this view, we can see outstanding purchase orders. all rows in an "Ordered" status will be picked up wit the next CONNECT batch.


Staging VROOZI Purchase Orders to CONNECT

Ordering → PO Sync → New Batch

When we are ready to manually create a batch We'll click "New Batch". Clicking here will load a dialog window that will load information about the last batch that we processed.

By default, the new batch will begin by picking up the information of the last batch processed. We can update the last batch date to something earlier or later, to look for records earlier than that.

We can also type in a batch code for our new batch, otherwise, they system will default one based on the time and date. 


When the batch finds purchase, it will import all PO lines. We can see the VROOZI PO number, supplier, item number, quantity, and unit cost.

When we are ready to send to ERP, we will click "Send Batch". This step will send the POs to ERP. It will also update them with any changes made if they have already been sent, and are still in an "Open" status, marked as "Include" in CONNECT.

If during the send step the system identifies that there have been updates since the last time it was committed to ERP the send date is reset. If the PO is successfully updated in ERP this date is then updated. However, if it is not this value will remain empty until any issues are resolved.   


ERP → Purchasing → Common → Purchase Order

Here in ERP we can view the purchase order.

Warning: purchase orders can still be edited in ERP. but any changes will be overwritten by the CONNECT updates from VROOZI!



Importing Receivers into CONNECT

Buy Route → PO Status → In Progress

When selecting a PO that we want to receive against, we'll find it in the list, select it, then click the menu button in the lower right-hand corner


We'll enter the amount we want tor receive and click "Confirm". We can also look up receivers from this screen to edit.


CONNECT → Ordering → PO Sync → View Existing

From here we can look up batches of POs that we have created. We'll find the batch that we want to receive against and click "Load", or double-click the batch. 


To import receivers, we will click "Receive Updates". This will import any receivers from VROOZI into stage. We can see them by expanding the "+" to the far left of the record. Their source will be labeled "Vroozi", so we know this is where the receivers came from.

To promote the records to CONNECT, click  "Commit".


Purchasing → Common → Receive Against PO

We'll find our PO and look it up in the receiver screen. No need to create "New"- this was done by CONNECT.

We'll find our receiver history and look it up. It has been imported into ERP.


Importing Receivers from ERP

CONNECT → Ordering → PO Sync → View Existing

Clicking The "Receive Updates" button in CONNECT will perform a bidirectional send. That means that receivers from VROOZI the code will also look for receivers from ERP. Receivers found in ERP that were not imported and staged in CONNECT with the "VROOZI" source will have come from the feed mills. We'll import those.


Clicking "Commit" will also perform a bidirectional commit, sending receivers from ERP back up to the VROOZI API.


Developer's Note: We had limited success testing PO's that had receivers coming from both VROOZI and ERP. We did add some code to provision for it, but we also did not test it much, as we understand that some mills will do all their receiving in ERP and others will do all their receiving in Easy Automation.


Buy Route → PO Status → Received 

When POs start to have receivers applied from ERP we can find them on the "Received" tab of the view. Drilling into this view will give us a line-item detail of what items have been received in the PO. 


Scheduling Batches


Settings → Other → Scheduled Tasks

We'll add records to the schedule list if we want to schedule these batches

  • "PurchaseOrderSyncCreate": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically import purchase orders from VROOZI.

  • "PurchaseOrderSyncSend": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically send them to ERP.

  • "PurchaseOrderSyncReceive": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically import PO receipts from VROOZI.

  • "PurchaseOrderSyncCommit": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically Commit staged receivers to ERP. 


Dev Documentation: VROOZI Purchase Orders to ERP Purchase Orders


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