Data Model Editor
If table exists in database but does not appear in Vision Data Model
ERP.xml file
Download the "ERP.xml" file from here Download Files
***note*** download the file that matches the data model you want to edit. (this example is for an ERP Data Model update.
Data Model Editor
If you need to to download tool go to Z:\easy_query
Step-by-Step Guide
Access the Data Model Editor tool.
Click on Model menu then select Open and select the .xml file you downloaded in the Pre-requisite step above.
Click on the Model menu then select Model settings - verify the Model name and data source in the connection string by testing the connection. If successful connection click OK.
NOTE: the Data Source should be as follows, these settings use the current columns available as maintained by the Development Team
Data Source=CULPRNSQL08;Initial Catalog=ERP_Dev;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=ERP_AppUser;Password=Grandizergo1
Click on Table menu option and then choose add table(s).
In the Add table(s) dialog, select the table(s) you want to add.
On the Tables and Links tab, click on the primary table first (Table1) then click add link.
On the Link: control form for
Table2: Choose the secondary table
Join Type: Choose the type of join (Inner, Outer, Left, Right, etc...)
Join Conditions: Choose Conditions builder
choose Conditions Builder radio option
In the next section (see image below) choose the Fields to Join the two tables and the Operators that associate the fields.
Condition left part is Field from Table 1
Condition right part is Field from Table 2
Operator values are =, <>, >, <
Then click Add Condition button to add the fields selected - Repeat previous steps for each Field you need to Join
When all the fields to join the two tables are compete, click the OK button to save and close the form.
Next click on the Entities tab - Name the new entry but make sure to keep the name structure the same for this new entity as the other existing ones
Save the file on your computer. Then go back to the Download Files and upload you new .xml file there to replace the old
Next follow the steps found here Data Models; follow Download a New ERP Data Model - Option #1 on that page.