Title: | Accounting | |
Owner: | Amanda Thomas | |
Creator: | Amanda Thomas | Dec 29, 2015 |
Last Changed by: | Amanda Thomas | Sept 17, 2021 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://getaeros.atlassian.net/wiki/x/6QYVAg | |
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Accounting Period Overrides For Voucher Creation
AP to Aeros Live Expense
AP TO Aeros Live Feed Deliveries
Expense Distribution Rules
General Ledger
JE to Aeros Live Expense
Payments to Aeros Voucher Staging
Settlement to Aeros Voucher Staging
Config: Flock Id or Flock Code for AP/JE to Aeros LIVE Expense
Accounting Period Overrides For Voucher Creation
AP to Aeros Live Expense
AP TO Aeros Live Feed Deliveries
Expense Distribution Rules
General Ledger
JE to Aeros Live Expense
Payments to Aeros Voucher Staging
Settlement to Aeros Voucher Staging
Config: Flock Id or Flock Code for AP/JE to Aeros LIVE Expense
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