Create Customers

Use the Customer Maintenance screen to create and edit Customers.


  1. Terms of Sale

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the Master module.

  2. Click Sales.

  3. Click Customer.

  4. Click New.

  5. Specify a Short Name value. For example: CULTURA

  6. Specify a Name value. For example: Cultura Technologies, LLC.

  7. Select a Terms option.

  8. Select a Pricing Date option of Order, Ship, Delivery, or Invoice.

  9. Optional: Specify any other desired options.

  10. Optional: Specify a Sales Analysis Group.

    1. Locate the Sales Analysis section of the screen and right click within the blank area.

    2. Click Insert Sales Group.

    3. Select a Sales Analysis Group from the drop-down list.

  11. Click Save

