Client Installation

Supported Clients

Aeros Scoreboard does not use an actual windows-based client, but instead uses a standard browser application.

We support the following desktop browsers. If you are not using one of these browsers (or versions) to interact with Scoreboard, please download or upgrade to a new browser or supported version from any of the sites below. If you elect not to upgrade your desktop browser, your experience may not be optimal, or you may not be able to use certain tools within Scoreboard. In addition, we recommend that you enable JavaScript and, turn off Compatibility View mode (if you are using Internet Explorer) for an optimal experience. 

Desktop Browser


Windows® 7 and higher

Mac® OS X 10.x

Desktop Browser


Windows® 7 and higher

Mac® OS X 10.x


Internet Explorer 11.x, 
Microsoft Edge

Not Supported

Mozilla Firefox

Versions 30 - 44

Versions 30 - 44

Apple® SafariTM 

Not Supported

6.x - 9.x

Google® ChromeTM

Versions 30 - 50 

Versions 30 - 50 


Accessing Scorebord

The URL, or website address is specific to each organization using Scoreboard. Once you have installed one of the supported desktop browser clients as defined above, you will access using the Scoreboard URL provided by your IT team.