Summary Bill To Division Setup
Aeros ERP summary billing function requires a division to be configured to use summary billing.
Step-by-Step Guide
Access the Master module.
Click Administration.
Click Division.
Select the division you wish to set to use summary billing and click OK.
Click the Logistics and Invoicing tab.
Locate the section titled Summary Billing.
Click the check box titled Create Summary Billing Invoices (indicates the division can create Summary Bill To Invoices).
Click the check box titled Include Ship To Credit Memos (when unchecked summary Ship To customer credit memos will be excluded from the Summary To Bill Invoice).
Click the check box titled Include Ship To Debit Memos (when unchecked summary Ship To customer debit memos will be excluded from the Summary Bill To Invoice).
Click the check box titled Include Qtys W/Zero Dollars (when unchecked summary Ship To invoice item lines with a quantity and zero dollar value will be excluded from the Summary To Bill Invoice).
Click Save.