Calculated fields in Report Writer

Calculated fields in Report Writer

In the field list, Right click, and select “Add Calculated Field”



A new field will show up in the field list


Right click on the new field and select “Edit Calculated Field”

In the List in the editor, find the newly created field, and on the right hand side of the form (properties section) find the Name.  Here you change the name of the field.  (I recommend keeping the leading Calc_  or even an A_ so the field remains at the top of the field list so it is easier to find).



To get to the expression editor to enter your own formula, you can either stay in the “Edit Calculated field form.  Under Expression in properties, click the ellipsis.  This will open the expression editor.



You can also right click on the new field in the field list and select “Edit Expression”  This will open the expression editor.



In the expression editor, you can select functions that you want to utilize and follow the instructions it gives to set it up properly. 


You can create your own formulas using the fields and operators given.


Once saved you can drag and drop the new field onto your report to utilize.