This document outlines the steps to perform to commit Manager Plus Purchase orders to ERP Requisition. The ERP requisitions will report back to Manager Plus what and when it was received.
There is an existing process in ERP, the "Work Order Interface" for Manager Plus, we based all of the steps for this on what was already in that process, and what was available to us in the Manager Plus API.
To perform this sync, we will need:
- Security Access to ERP Item Master
- Security Access to Manager Plus PO
CONNECT Configuration
Power User → Config Feature
A user with admin rights / Power User rights will need to enable the feature, It will be under the "Ordering . Requisitions to Purchase Order" node in the tree.
Settings → User Profiles
For each user that can review these batches, we'll need to grant them security access.
Power User → Manager Plus Warehouse Map
Manager Plus Inventory Locations may not match ERP locations. to resolve this, there is a mapping screen. Enter the Manager Plus value on the left, and the ERP value on the right and these will be resolved when we import and stage requisitions from Manager Plus and when we send them back.
ERP Configuration
Approvers and Buyers
In order to approve requisition records and convert requisition records to purchase orders, we need to configure the ERP user SYSTEM_AAI.
Normally this is done through the menu Master→Purchasing→Requisition Approver Setup (and Requisition Requestor Setup). Since SYSTEM_AAI is a special user, it is done through a script. See Manager Plus PO to ERP Requisitions PO and Receiver
Make sure to configure the approval limit as well.
Creating POs In Manager Plus
Modules → Purchasing → Purchase Orders
We'll log into the Manager Plus web service and create purchase orders.
From here, we can look up any purchase orders that we have created. When we want to create a new purchase order we'll click "New".
We'll create our new purchase order, entering information for the header. The most important thing to add is the parts lines. These are the lines that will be synchronized between the two systems. Enter a line for parts, using the item code.
Staging Requisitions in CONNECT
Ordering → Purchase Order Requisition → New Batch
When we are ready to manually create a batch We'll click "New Batch". Clicking here will load a dialog window that will load information about the last batch that we processed. By default, the new batch will begin by picking up records
When the batch is created, each part line from the purchase order will be staged.
Sending Requisitions to ERP
Sending Requisitions to ERP
Clicking the "Send Batch" button will send the purchase orders to ERP Requisition, before this happens, Update from source will be called to get changes from Manager Plus, in case anything has changed since it was staged.
When records are sent, their send date and ERP Requisition ID will be updated.
If a record fails to send for any reason, we can review the reasons on the "Commit Results" message tab.
Creating and Receiving Purchase Orders in ERP
Purchasing → Common → Requisition → Requisition Processing
In ERP, we will navigate to the requisition screen. From here, we will approve these requests from Manager Plus/Connect and create Purchase Orders.
Searching for "Pending Approval" requisitions should give us all of the orders that we committed.
Select the requisitions and "Approve" them to update their requisition status.
Next, search approved requisitions and click "Convert to Purchase Order" to create purchase orders.
Purchasing → Common → Purchase Order
We can view our converted requisitions in the purchase order lookup screen. Each approved requisition will be converted into a purchase order, and each part will become a PO line.
Purchasing → Common → Receive Against PO
When we are ready to receive the inventory, we'll open ERP and Receive it.
Receiving POs and Receipts in CONNECT
Ordering → Purchase Order Requisition → View Existing
Retrieve the batch with your purchase orders in it and click "Receive Updates". If the PO line has been received, we'll see new records underneath it in the grid.
In this example, I only received one of the two lines, we can see that the receiver has been added to the second line. It is ready to ship to Manager Plus.
If a receiver fails to import for any reason, we can review the reasons on the "Commit Results" message tab.
Committing Receipts to Manager Plus
Ordering → Purchase Order Requisition → View Existing
When we are ready to send the received inventory to Manager Plus, we'll click "Commit Batch". Each record that succeeds will have a row style resembling dark grey or green when highlighted, there will be dates on the receiver for when the records was sent to Manager Plus.
If a record fails for any reason, we can review the reasons on the "Commit Results" message tab.
Modules → Purchasing → Purchase Orders
When we search the PO in Manager Plus, we can now see that it has a status of "Requisitioned in ERP".
When we click the "Detail" tab of the PO we can see that the parts line has been received, and how many units were received.
Scheduling Batches
Settings → Other → Scheduled Tasks
We'll add records to the schedule list if we want to schedule these batches
- "PurchaseOrderRequisitionCreate": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically create batches of items.
- "PurchaseOrderRequisitionSend": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically send them to ERP.
- "PurchaseOrderRequisitionReceive": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically update them with any purchase orders and receivers created in ERP.
- "PurchaseOrderRequisitionCommit": Create a schedule item of this type to automatically update manager Plus POs and receive against them.
- "PurchaseOrderRequisitionAllSteps": Runs all of the above steps in their listed order. Scheduling this one job will run them all.
Dev Documentation: Manager Plus PO to ERP Requisitions PO and Receiver