Company Code: The Company Code the flock belongs to. This can be found on the Facility Management view.
Division Code: The Division Code the flock belongs to. This can be found on the Facility Management view.
Farm Code: The Farm Code the flock belongs to. This can be found on the Facility Management view.
Group Code: The Flock Code for the flock.
Group Name: The Flock Name/Description for the flock.
Status: Current status of group ("Pending", "Active", Settlement").
Industry Type: The industry type description for this group. See list of Industry Type descriptions below. 39977876
Contract Code: The Contract Code to default group settings from. You can find more information on contracts here: Contracts
Make sure to leave the Header and Control Lines (Rows 1 and 2), You can enter your data starting row 3.
Make sure that the tab is named Sheet1 as the import will look for this tab name to pull data.
Industry Type Descriptions