Use the System Settings screen to edit the systems Mail Server configurations. This function is used for the emailing of Reports, Requisitions, and other functions.
Note: The Scheduler Service must also be installed on the application server for emailing to work.
- None
Step-by-Step Guide
- Access the Master module.
- Click System Settings.
- Click the E-Mail tab.
- Check the Enable box.
- Specify an SMTP Server address. For example:
- Specify an SMTP Port value. For example: 25
- Optional: Specify the SMTP User & Password values if required by your mail server.
- Click Save.
Known Bug: When saving, you may receive an error message to set the Last Item Number. If so, click the Item Master tab, specify a value of "0" in the Last Item Number field. Then click Save.
SQL to Enable E-Mails from Scheduler
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Schedule] ON;
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Schedule]([ScheduleID], [TaskTypeID], [ScheduleDesc], [ExecuteTime], [IntervalTypeID], [IntervalUnits], [IsRecurring], [IsDeleted], [IsDisabled], [RowCreateDate], [RowModifyDate], [RowVersion], [TaskID]) SELECT 1, 1, N'Send E-Mail', '20110922 10:42:00.000', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '20110922 09:28:12.900', '20130321 13:44:56.490', 18, NULL
COMMIT; RAISERROR (N'[dbo].[Schedule]: Insert Batch: 1.....Done!', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT;
By default the scheduled task is disabled. Update the Schedule tables bit for "IsDisabled" to false as soon as you want the task to become active. You may need to restart the scheduler for this task to be picked up.