CMC Template Programs in /inc/qnd/erp folder on LINUX Server
GL Accounts
GLV33152ERP - Creates two CSV files from GL Accounts and Sub Types. Files are erpglaccts.csv and erpglsubtyp.csv.
***When erpglsubtyp is loaded into Excel duplicates need to be removed.***
AR Customer and Products
ARV35022ERP - Create a CSV files from AR Customers. Filename is ARV35022.csv.
ARV35080ERP - Create a CSV file from AR customers for routing (route/stop/day/customer number). Filename is ARV35080rt.csv.
ARV35006ERP - Creates two CSV files from AR Products. Files are ARV35006item.csv and ARV35006misc.csv.
AP Vendors and Vocuhers
APV33212ERP - Create a CSV file from AP Vendors. Filename is apv3vend.csv.
APV33315ERP - Create a CSV file from open AP Vouchers to be used by Aeros Import Vouchers.
Filename is apv33315eXX.csv. (XX=Company Number)