The Manage Credit Queue screen is where users that have the proper permissions can Approve or Deny orders that are over their defined credit limits or customers that have past due invocies. Credit details for individual orders can be reviewed on this screen.
Approving, Denying, and Looking at Credit Details
On the left of the Manage Credit Queue screen there are 3 columns that the user can interact with:
*Note: Orders will not appear in Logistics Maintenance until they have been approved.
If the user clicks the green thumbs up, they will be prompted that they are about to approve an order:
If the user selects yes, the order will be approved and it will drop off the Manage Credit Queue screen. The order will now appear in Logistics Maintenance.
If the user clicks the red thumbs down, they will be prompted that they are about to decline an order:
If the user selects yes, the order will be declined and it will drop off the Manage Credit Queue screen. The user can now return to the Customer Order screen to make modifications and resubmit to the queue.
If the user clicks the blue magnifying glass, they will be brought to the credit details screen:
(There will be more on this screen later in the article)