To edit an existing voucher or to locate a voucher for review, utilize the Voucher Entry feature.
Adjust the Voucher as needed and select Save when finished.
Choose the Voucher list tab to go back to the list of Vouchers.
Pay Vouchers- Print Checks
Utilize the Payment function to produce checks or create an ACH file for Voucher payments.
Bank Accounts
Follow these steps to manage payments within the Payables module:
This article documents how to create an ACH Batch Payment. An ACH (Automated Clearing House) batch payment refers to a collection of electronic fund transfers that are bundled together for processing as a single batch. This method allows businesses and organizations to efficiently transmit multiple payments simultaneously.
Bank Account - with ACH Configuration
Vendor - with ACH Configuration
Follow these steps to create an ACH Batch Payment:
Navigate to the Payables Tab and proceed to select Voucher Payments.
Click on the New ACH Batch button.
3. Identify the specific Vouchers you intend to pay. The grid will be limited only to Vendors that have the Enable ACH option set on the Vendor Master.
In the system, the ACH Vendors checkbox is preselected and cannot be deselected. The Bank Account drop-down menu will display only those accounts that have ACH enabled.
Select the desired Voucher and click OK.
When selected, you will navigate to the Payment Batch Maintenance screen that lists each of the payments.
Bank Account Code is set to the selected Bank Account. However, this can be changed to a non-ACH enabled bank account. This will convert the Payment Batch to a standard Check batch.
Payment Type is forced to ACH.
Check Date is the date used within the ACH file. ACH Rules state that this cannot be a Saturday, Sunday or Banking Holiday.
Once your batch is complete, click the Create ACH button. This will create the ACH File in the file path as specified on the Bank Account Master’s ACH Settings. A confirmation will appear when processing is complete.
The file can now be located and transmitted to the Bank
Once confirmation that the file has been successfully processed, click the Commit button. Ensure that the Total Net Paid Amount matches the Bank’s confirmation report
Note: Users can exit the Payment Batch screen by clicking Close and return to the screen to Commit the batch once the confirmation comes in.
If necessary, the Create ACH button
can be clicked multiple times to create files.
Warning: This will recreate the ENTIRE file; possibly duplicating funds transfer to the Vendors. Only do this if the original file was rejected by the Bank.Confirm that you wish to Commit the batch by clicking on Yes
*****Warning: This is the point of no return. As soon as Yes is pressed, the payments for the batch are committed. The only way to undo it is to perform a Payment Void for each check within the Batch.*****
The system will prompt you to print the Check Register and select a Printer.
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