Generate Brill File in AAI

Generate Brill File in AAI

The following documents the function of the ERP PO to Brill functionality within AAI:

  1. Access the Feed Mill functions of AAI.

  2. Click the New Batch button under the ERP PO to Brill group. 

  3. Specify a Starting Date and an Ending Date.

  4. Specify a Company and Division option.

  5. Click the Finish button.

  6. Review the Staging Data for accuracy.

  7. If desired, click the Import Messages tab to review any data issues.

  8. Click the Commit Batch button.

  9. The system will process the request and generate the necessary files.
    On each row in the Staging Data grid, a Committed checkbox will appear indicating it has been submitted.

  10. If desired, click the Commit Results tab to review any issues.

  11. Click the Close button to exit.

  12. You have successfully generated the Brill Purchase file in AAI.
    You may now access the file in its output directory (showing in the Commit Results Message) and import the file into Brill.