User Management is provided in two sections: Security Roles and User Management. Security Roles provide, in essence, a template for creating new users. If you have, for example, a Flock Manager at each farm, and you have 20 farms requiring users, then you would want to utilize the Security Roles.
As you work to Manage Users, Security Roles can be applied and overwritten as needed.
- Denied Access. User will not see this item in the application at all. For example, if a user is denied access to the entire System Navigation Panel, they will never see the screen at all.
- View Access. User may view the screen only. If your administrator, for example, wanted all users to view the items in the System Navigation Panel, but did not want users to make changes to these settings, the user would be granted View Access.
- Print Access. User may use the Print Button on the screen, and is also able to view the screen.
- Update Access. User may edit existing data on the screen, use the Print Button, and View any data.
- Add New Access. User may Add New data to the screen, Update Existing data, use the Print Button, and View any data.
- Full Access. User may Delete records from the screen, Add New, Update Existing, use the Print Button, and View any data.