Ask About our new Aeros LIVE Scheduler Add On!
Schedule Appointments by Date and Time for manure management, pest control, barn inspections/swab and more!
View appointments by Company, Division, Farm, House/Barn, or Flock
View in Calendar or as a Report to see future Appointments
Receive Reminders by email to alert you of upcoming appointments.
Events by Age Scheduler
Set up appointments for flocks when they hit a specific Age.
Vaccines, Beak Trim, etc.
Commit Records as they occur to log record of event for each flock. ie. Vaccine Schedule.
Placement Scheduler
Create placement schedules by utilizing a cycle week configuration.
Schedule, modify, and recalculate future forecasted placements based on current occurrences.
Receive alerts when there are scheduling conflicts.
Split placements by dates and bird quantities to be placed & received from hatcheries or pullet houses.
Commit as actual or estimated records to the scheduled flock
Transfer Scheduler
Create a transfer schedule for your pullet to layer houses or your brood to grow farms.
Schedule, modify, and recalculate future forecasted transfers based on current occurrences.
Commit as actual or estimated records to the scheduled flock.
Depopulation/Sales/Live Haule Scheduler
Schedule depopulations or sales to know when barns will become open and able to schedule end-of-life actions to prepare barns for new placements
Farm/House Downtime Scheduler
Schedule Downtime Appointments for when the birds are scheduled to move out and house goes into downtime.
Schedule manure management appointments, barn cleanings, litter removal, and replacement, etc.