A Query is the base for most all Query, Report and Dashboard functions within Aeros Vision. In order to create a Report, you must have first created the Query for the Report. In order to create a Dashboard, you also must have first created a Query that the Dashboard will run to display the data.
You can create a query that performs many of the necessary functions to extract data from your systems. You may see throughout the functions of the Query tools, there may be no need to create a "printable" Report; just simply use the Query functions to produce a Grid that displays all the necessary information.
Query Designer
The Query Designer screen allows you to create and configure the options for a Query.
This screen is accessed via the Main Menu either by clicking on the "New" button on the under the Query group, or by selecting the edit pencil icon next to an existing Query.
Query Run
The Query Run screen displays the output results of the designed Query.
This screen is accessed via the Main Menu by clicking the blue play/run icon next to an existing Query. Additionally, the same screen is also displayed on the Query Designer window.